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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 539

  • Pancakes, Pebbles and Possibilities

    I had this crazy idea... borrow a camping stove and make pancakes live in the service whilst talking about Jesus' sojourn in the wilderness and his temptation to turn pebbles into food.  I spent a fair bit of time researching and then prototyping pancakes mixes that were... vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, nut-free, all in the interests of inclusivity.  And so I had all my ingredients ready, fired up the stoves (I'd been lent two), launched into my talk, mixed, poured... and they stuck fast to the billies!  Thankfully, someone nipped into the church kitchen and found a decent nonstick frying pan and we did eventually manage to get some pancake shaped pancakes.  Covered in lashings of golden syrup and honey, the children certainly seemed to enjoy them.  I then mentioned the possibilities of using the Christian Aid Lent resources.

    My piece de resistance (or some such) was cooking pancakes and simultaneously changing the slides on the screen with a remote zapper - mutli-tasking... no bother!

    It was a very long day - extra setting up time needed for the service, and then an important church meeting which meant by the time I got home I'd worked seven hours straight with no break.  I'm not saying this was a good thing - it wasn't - but it is unbelievably wonderful to have the energy and mental capacity to do so.  Even six months ago I probably could not have done it.  I am whacked, my joints are really achey, to say nothing of ludicrous numbers of hot flushes (not sure why either of these has intensified but they have) and not everything about the day went as I might have wished, but overall I am content.

    Perhaps the pancakes are some sort of a parable in which the intent somehow overrides the execution?

    Anyway, someone took a few photos during the service, so I may, in due course, be able to post them here!

    EDIT - one photo, editted to protect identities of minors.

    pancakes editted.jpg

  • First Sunday in Lent

    Lent - the time when our pianist/choir leader tells me he is going to drag out his dreary anthems.  Solemn maybe, dreary, never.

    Just for a change this year, and because the Christian Aid thing doesn't cover Sundays explicitly, I've decided to post a Lenten hymn from BPW each Sunday... at least that way six of them will get wider  airing!

    Today I've opted for one I don't know very well, but which is based on the temptations of Jesus:

    When he was baptized in Jordan
    Jesus knew his chosen role:
    Ready now for time of testing
    In the desert of the soul.

    Starved of bread to feed the body,
    Starved of rest to feed the brain,
    Starved of friends to feed the spirit,
    Jesus daily bore the strain.

    During six long weeks of trial,
    Evil masquerades as good:
    Points false roads to instant lordship,
    Tempts him with the Word of God.

    He attacks the great impostor:
    Evil shall not win this day!
    Ready now to serve his calling,
    Sets his face Jerusalem way.

    On the hour of our temptation,
    As we meet each vital choice,
    Make us wise and make us willing,
    Lord of life, to heed your voice.

    Bernard Braley (1924-2003) © 1979 Stainer & Bell Ltd & The Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes Trochaic set tune in BPW Charlestown


    Busy Sunday for us - morning worship than Church Meeting - so better stop blogging and get there!

  • Count Your Blessings - Days 4 and 5

    It's the weekend, so Christian Aid give us time off for good behaviour, or some such!


    If you don’t know your legal rights, you can’t defend them. In São Paulo, Brazil, tens of thousands of
    people live in unsafe housing. Those who complain to their landlords risk immediate eviction. Christian
    Aid partner Gaspar Garcia runs a human rights centre where tenants can go to receive free legal advice and to join forces with others in a similar situation to demand change and to face their landlords together.

    How many of your human rights can you name? Give 10p for each one.


    Did you know that children have speical rights? That means there are certain things that adults have to make sure children have; like somewhere safe to live and the chance to see a doctor if they are sick. The good news is that all children also have the right to play! But, at the moment, there are many children around the world who don’t have time to play because they have to work.

    Give 10p for every different game you play this weekemd


    A very long time ago, as part of my Girls' Brigade Queen's Award I had to read chunks of the International Declaration of Human Rights, with speical reference to the rights of children.  To my shame that part of my memory is very, very rusty.  Rights I can recall are, in no particular order...

    basic education


    food and shelter

    basic healthcare

    freedom of movement


    At 10p each that comes to a mere 50p.  Look here for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and see just what is enshrined in its principles.  Quite sobering.


    My pledge

    Today - 50p

    Total - £8 plus one prayer of thanksgiving

  • Happy Friday!

    It has been a lovely day today.  A couple of meetings this morning, one involving decent coffee, the other peppermint tea, then a quick flip round the supermarket to get bits I need for Sunday's all age bit and home to protoype.  All looking good, that's all I'm saying for now.

  • Count Your Blessings: Day 3


    Illiteracy affects more than 120 million young people globally, compounding the disadvantages they face
    in life.

    Give 20p for each favourite childhood book you can still recall well.


    Youch!  That's an expensive one.  How 'well' is 'well' I wonder?

    OK, cunning plan - post live, allow myself two minutes (timed) to type names of books I loved as a child...


    The Secret Garden

    A Little Princess

    Jane Eyre

    Black Beauty

    Ballet Shoes

    What Katy Did/Did next

    Anne of Green Gables

    Malory Towers series (6)

    St Clare's series (6)

    Swallows and Amazons series (12)

    Tom Brown's Schooldays

    Beauty and the Beast (Ladybird)

    Rapunzel (Ladybird)

    Rumpelstiltskin (Ladybird)


    Yikes!  That's 36 books... @ 20p each so £7.20

    Had I allowed myself longer I could easily have doubled that list... makes me realise just how fortunate I am to have grown up where I did, with access to so many books.


    My pledge

    Today - £7.20

    Total - £7.50 plus one prayer of thanksgiving


    PS... how could I have missed The Railway Children, one of the books I've read over and over...?