A propos of absolutely nothing.
I stumbled across this which made me smile - and decided I am living proof of this fact as marmite is always my food of choice if I am unwell.
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A propos of absolutely nothing.
I stumbled across this which made me smile - and decided I am living proof of this fact as marmite is always my food of choice if I am unwell.
... have now found homes!
I am very happy tp report that 24 hours since we started the adoptive process, three of our not-yet-knitted sheep have loving homes waiting for them... in a book shop, a stationer and a baby-wear shop. Still waiting for prospective adopters of the other nine to get back in touch, but it's good news so far!
I feel a parable coming on:
A shepherdess went out to arrange adoption for twelve sheep...
The Advent Conspiracy is, so far as I can ascertain, a US initiative, but the message of this video works as well in a UK context...
One rather crazy SHEPHERDESS attired in SHEEPDOG collar along with the first of our knitted sheep, a ewe called Glynis. Shortly I will be off out in search of adoptive homes for our (not yet knitted) FLOCK ready for our Messy Nativity Sheep trail in the first two weeks of December. As children are wont to say 'I can't wait'. So cold calling on a dozen retail outlets in my 'Barbie gets Religion' clerical shirt... but who could resist those eyes and that lovely black face...?
UPDATE - five stores already visited, and some lessons in marketing learned (so back to the ranch SHEEPFOLD to produce more detailed info sheets). One said yes immediately, three others have staff eagerly waiting to tell their managers/marketing departments all about it, and one practically begged me to contact head office who they "are sure will say yes"...
The looks on the faces of the people as I showed them Glynis were a joy to behold!
Time for lunch now!!
All twelve 'first pass' retailers visited.
Two signed up straight away - both part of national chains with some local autonomy. Interesting.
One blank refusal - "company policy; no charity stuff". Shook the dust from my feet and moved on.
Eight info packs handed to staff, seven really enthusiastic, the other willing to pass info to the manager later on when he arrives.
One head office contacted - awaiting reply.
Really interesting to see who "got" it and who didn't - let's hope the replies come back soon.
Next steps... identify a second batch of outlets/attractions; plan follow up visits/contact to the nine interested outlets.
A good job jobbed, methinks.
Today has been busy and enjoyable, and quite diverse, from finishing the service for Sunday, to preparing the Bible study for Monday, to handling some admin, to some pastoral work, to an enjoyable evening concert by a local male voice choir.
Tomorrow I'm off up north-er to give a paper to a group of Baptists interested in history, then on Sunday it's two services and a meeting.
Quite a lot happening one way and another in the coming week, and working patterns a bit topsy turvy, but it's all good as the saying goes. However, it may mean a bit blog light, so panic not!