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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 565

  • A Refreshing Read

    This week, with no service to prepare, I've had time for some reading, and this morning I finished reading this little book:


    It is a refreshing read, honest and thoughtful.  With the acronym HPtFtU (Human Propensity to F*** things Up)* as a starting point, the book pulls no punches.  This is neither clever theology nor popular testimony, yet it carries a sense of each... It's not often a book about Christianity is a page turner, but (provided you can cope with some rather colourful language) this one is.  What is, in my experience, original about this book is its focus on emotional (or lack thereof) aspects and its starting point in the general messed-up-ness of real life rather than the soul-pricking-loveliness of creation.  Well worth reading, available in real book and e-book format.


    * Clearly F*** stands for 'foul', but some people may read it otherwise ;-)

  • Anticipating Advent

    Last year I wrote a whole series of reflections for Advent, which seemed to be quite well received.  It was a big task, and one that, at times, became rather a slog.  I am wondering what to offer this year - perhaps a weekly reflection and some shorter 'thoughts for the day' in between?  I wonder what anyone would value or find interesting?  Answers on a comment (if working) or by email!

  • My Mate, Marmite...

    A propos of absolutely nothing.

    I stumbled across this which made me smile - and decided I am living proof of this fact as marmite is always my food of choice if I am unwell.

  • Three Woolly Sheep...

    ... have now found homes!

    I am very happy tp report that 24 hours since we started the adoptive process, three of our not-yet-knitted sheep have loving homes waiting for them... in a book shop, a stationer and a baby-wear shop.  Still waiting for prospective adopters of the other nine to get back in touch, but it's good news so far!


    I feel a parable coming on:

    A shepherdess went out to arrange adoption for twelve sheep...

  • Thought Provoking

    The Advent Conspiracy is, so far as I can ascertain, a US initiative, but the message of this video works as well in a UK context...