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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 648

  • Unofficial Photo


    An informal photo taken after the graduation ceremony today... more will follow in due course, including, possibly, me with snow falling all around me!

    It was a great day, many thanks to G & G who came as my guests, and renewed an acquaintance from their youff darn sarf.  Also to the lovely people at LKH who included me in their celebration lunch despite me being a direct U of M student.

  • Third Week in Advent:Friday

    By the wonders of advance posting (I am in Manchester graduating, as one does) ...

    The readings:

    Psalm 137:3

    Nehemiah 2:2

    John 21:24

    You know that old joke about opening the Bible three times at random?  Well these verses are of that ilk...

    For there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!"

    So the king asked me, "Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of heart." I was very much afraid.

    This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true.

    Misery unbounded, it seems... just what we don't need in the final run up to Christmas.  Yet more unjoy?  Or is it actually something about truth and honesty?

    Jolly Christmas carols and songs everywhere we go... but how does it feel inside?  Are we forcing ourselves to sing along through the pain of bereavement or illness ot unemployment or uncertainty or...  Do we have the 'sadness of heart' the powerful King observed in the terrified Nehemiah?  After all, these words are true...

    From fake jollity that denies reality

    To real joy that transforms it

    From forced smiles that fail to reach our eyes

    To inner joy that makes them shine

    From denial of truth

    To indefatigable joy

    Lead us, God of joy


  • Third Week in Advent: Thursday

    Today's readings:

    Psalm 38:4

    Exodus 11:14

    Matthew 5:21 - 22

    Yet again we are landed with some rather 'odd' readings, devoid of cheer, and riven with what I am coming to recognise as 'unjoy'... The psalmist is overwhelmed by guilt, Moses murders and Egyptian and Jesus equates snide remarks to murder... The only saving grace, is, I think, the gospel, which reminds us that the inner attitudes are every bit as significant as the outer expressions... Moses murder is not worse than my muttering...


    Unjoy through the world

    Until He comes

    To change our hearts and minds

    Til then we mutter graceless words

    And grumble loud and long

    And call each other names

    And wish each other ill

    And loveless thoughts pervade our minds


    Joy in the world

    For he has come

    To change our hearts and minds

    To love our neighbours as ourselves

    To pray for our enemies

    And try to live in peace

    And speak and be Good News

    Until the Kingdom in fulfilled



    Does not quite fit the tune, sorry!  Got an extra line from somewhere, oops

  • For Fun...

    Yesterday I was preparing a communal, interactive reading of Luke 2 for Christmas Day.  I just need you to know this cos once you've watched this viedo you will think I copied (and adapted) the idea.  Independent zapping by the Spirit I assure you!

    HT ASBO Jesus

  • O Come All Ye Coffee-Drinkers...

    Sing songs merrily today,

    The coffee club is meeting:

    For our carol sing-along

    People their way are winging...


    or tea if you prefer it!


    Looking forward to to jolly morning of carols and cuppas and general jollity as we meet today to celebrate.