I found this in HymnQuest, and I rather like it, even if I'm not using it on Sunday:
There was a God I used to know when I was only four.
He lived inside the big stone church behind the big carved door.
But then I learned he's everywhere and cannot be confined.
I had to grow. I had to go and leave that God behind.
There was a God I thought I knew when I was growing tall.
I felt him watching, judging me if I should fail or fall.
But then I found he loved me too, was merciful and kind.
I had to grow. I had to go and leave that God behind.
There was a God I worshipped then when I was more mature,
remote and unapproachable because he was so pure.
Then Jesus showed me God in him, with human heart and mind.
I had to grow. I had to go and leave that God behind.
And every time I find a truth and think I know it all,
he takes me one more step and shows I've made him far too small.
By now I should not be surprised, but joyfully resigned:
I have to grow. I have to go and leave that God behind.
And when my life on earth is done, and I must leave this place,
what happens when I go to God and see him face to face?
I'm sure I'll recognise the one who opens heaven's door,
the God I've known, in whom I've grown since I was only four.
Sue Gilmurray (born 1950) © Sue Gilmurray
J it won't let me comment today!
The answer is: any that is 86 86D or DCM (same thing in effect)
Two well known DCM tunes are:
Kingsfold (I heard the voice of Jesus say)
Forest Green (O little town of bethlehem)