... Had a great time with P and N walking the Shine half marathon - which we reckon was more like 14.1 miles than 13.1 given how some of the signage and odd detours worked. Really good fun and we managed it in a very respectable 4 hours or there abouts. So that'd be 18 minutes a mile on average if it was ~13 miles, and we certainly got in a few 15 minutes miles along the way.
Really well organised - even if the start was delayed by about 15 minutes as Strathclyde Police weren't ready. Lots of freebies - mostly sample sized things. Lots of refreshments en route - water, juice, caramel wafers (yum), crisps, etc. Friendly marshalls and shiny happy people - about 3000 of them - having fun on a beautiful clear moonlit night.
Very humbling to see so many people and to read their back messages.
Very humbling to be one of the "survivors" (don't like that word in that context) who were clapped (en masse) before the start.
Very humbling to see one or two people participating who are currently undergoing treatment for cancer
Very touching when a couple outside a pub asked us what we were doing and why, then thrust £15 into our hands
Very tired now - and need a shower before bed before getting up to lead worship... the last of the walkers won't be back much before 8 a.m. so the marshalls have a VERY long night ahead of them.
I have raised well over £1000 so I'm really pleased.
Edit: pictures added - complete with ridiculous bright pink hat