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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 683

  • On Growing in Faith and Maturity...

    I found this in HymnQuest, and I rather like it, even if I'm not using it on Sunday:

    There was a God I used to know when I was only four.
    He lived inside the big stone church behind the big carved door.
    But then I learned he's everywhere and cannot be confined.
    I had to grow. I had to go and leave that God behind.

    There was a God I thought I knew when I was growing tall.
    I felt him watching, judging me if I should fail or fall.
    But then I found he loved me too, was merciful and kind.
    I had to grow. I had to go and leave that God behind.

    There was a God I worshipped then when I was more mature,
    remote and unapproachable because he was so pure.
    Then Jesus showed me God in him, with human heart and mind.
    I had to grow. I had to go and leave that God behind.

    And every time I find a truth and think I know it all,
    he takes me one more step and shows I've made him far too small.
    By now I should not be surprised, but joyfully resigned:
    I have to grow. I have to go and leave that God behind.

    And when my life on earth is done, and I must leave this place,
    what happens when I go to God and see him face to face?
    I'm sure I'll recognise the one who opens heaven's door,
    the God I've known, in whom I've grown since I was only four.

    Sue Gilmurray (born 1950) © Sue Gilmurray


    J it won't let me comment today!

    The answer is: any that is 86 86D or DCM (same thing in effect)

    Two well known DCM tunes are:

    Kingsfold (I heard the voice of Jesus say)
    Forest Green (O little town of bethlehem)

  • For Fun

    I rather liked this post so am linking it for your delectation and delight

  • Sounding Impressive

    Yesterday I was diagnosed with De Quervain's tenosynovitis - a rather grand name for a sprain affecting the thumb and wrist of my left hand.  I have a rather nifty splint on my wrist and have to see the physio again next week to see how it's progressing.  This 'washerwoman sprain' as it's also known arose from my attempts to protect my 'at risk of lymphoedema' right arm which meant I over exerted my left arm... now I have two 'substandard' arms for a while, which is certainly an interesting experience.

    I also have acute viral rhinopharyngitis aka the common cold, which is a bind as the sniffling, sneezing and shivering don't mix too well with the hot flushes and modifications to parts of my anatomy, but at least in a day or seven it'll be gone.

    Today feels a bit odd, actually this week has felt a bit odd, remembering what the equivalent week last year held for me.  Having nothing more to disturb me than a soft tissue injury and cattarh in my ears is a remarkably pleasant place to be.

  • What the...............

    This link from todays BUGB e news-sweep got me in a spin!  I have no idea what Mr Robertson's views are more widely, but OK to divorce some because they Alzheimers and are already 'sort of dead'?  HOW DARE HE, how very dare he?

    Two lines of thought...

    Firstly, grounds for divorce would seem, to me, to include abuse, violence, neglect, cruelty and infidelity (not just sexual inifdelity at that) but never illness or disability.  Yes, it is hard, even soul-destroying to care for someone in this situation but they are not dead, they are people.  Grr, verrily grr.

    Secondly I recall one of the most beautiful sights I ever saw was in a cafe in Dibley.  An elderly man wheeled his wife, who clearly had some form of dementia, in to the cafe, bought her a cup of coffee and patiently lifted it to her lips for her.  Some she drank, some she spilled.  Gently, he wiped away the spills, and held her hand.  With tears glinting in my eyes I spoke to him, saying how lovely it was to see them and how much he clearly loved her.  He smiled, then said softly, I promised on my wedding day...

    I rest my case.

  • Ministry of Food!

    Lots of eating today!

    This morning I meet my PAM (a Mc-NAM for BUGB readers) for the first time.  We will have brunch, she will show me her wedding photos, and we will set some plans for how I mentor her over the coming year.  Looking forward to it.

    This afternoon it is the first week of this session's Bible Study group, which I am leading, so I need to nip into a shop and get some cakes.  We only have nice cakes, so that will be good too!  And of course we'll be very holy first.

    Then after a relatively normal day tomorrow, it'll be the student tea on Saturday, for which I am making some sandwiches.  Having now successfull tested my breadmaker, that'll almost certainly involve homebaked bread.

    Sunday is church lunch and church meeting; yesterday was coffee club, so all-in-all a real ministry of food this week.