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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 70

  • The Twenty-Second Blessing

    Today's gift was a tiny jingle bell - hindsight being a wonderful thing, I should perhaps have bought enough to put a few in each bag, or sought out something like the decoration in the photo, as one alone is a bit feeble in terms of jingling!

    Traditionally, bells ring out - often at midnight - to announce the birth of Jesus.

    And of course we all like songs about jingle bells on sleighs!

    Tonight at 6 p.m. (less than an hour after this is finally posted) there is the opportunity to take part on a world wide jingle... see more here

  • A Poem, A Picture and A Prayer - Day 18

    Today's poem is the well-known and well-loved BC:AD by the English poet U A Fanthorpe.

    The image is a library photo of a sculpture at St Martin in the Fields church in London, depicting the new born Christ, umbilical cord still attached... the raw humanity of incarnation.

    A little self-indulgent, since I love both the poem and the image, but it is the last day!

    So here's the last prayer of the series...

    God of 'Before Christ', before the 'Common Era', before time itself

    God of 'Anno Domini' - the 'Year of the Lord'- within the Common Era, here with us now...

    As this Advent season draws to its close,

    As, once more, w near the mystical moment that transforms history,

    Let us, with magi and shepherds, prophets and priests,

    With people we know and those we will never meet,

    Walk on through the darkness - however haphazard our path -

    And discover ourselves in the Kingdom of Heaven.


  • The Twenty-First Blessing

    So maybe it is the season for ridiculous selfies?

    Today's gift was a gold cardboard crown, intended to symbolise the status of Jesus as Prince of Peace (and possibly a hint at the Magi, traditionally portrayed as Kings)

    OK, so it's not a great fit (probably designed for children rather than adults) but I expect it either made you smile or shake your head in disbelief.

    Maybe that's not so far of the ludicrous truth that a peasant baby was actually God incarnate... that the Prince of Peace chose vulnerability and powerlessness as the way to live.  Perhaps we shrug in disblief, shake our heads or laugh in derision... but this is the heart of the Christmas story... a foolish God, whose folly is beyond the wisest of human wisdom.

  • A Poem, A Picture and A Prayer - Day 17

    Today's poem is How to Paint a Perfect Christmas by the Czech poet and immunologist Miroslav Holeb.  The poem has been tweaked many times in translation, and I am not sure which is the definitive version.  It may be found here.

    The photo is of the festive lights in George Square, Glasgow, which I took at about 8 a.m. on a Monday morning during Level 4 restrictions.  The beauty is self-evident, the knowledge of when it was taken perhaps a little poignant.  How we would describe this Christmas?

    The prayer...

    God holiness, of magnificence, of awe and wonder

    Where did we get this craving for perfection,

    This desire to do the best, have the best, be the best?

    Show us what perfection means for you:

    A new-born, firmly wrapped up for warmth, sleeping in the hay,

    Calm amidst the messiness of human imperfection

    Transforming it with love, filling it with peace.


  • Let prayer be real, let laughter be holy...

    Almost every Tuesday at 8 a.m., I join three other ministers for an online prayer cell.

    We share news, good and not so good

    We listen for God in scripture, poetry, story and art

    We pray for the world, the church and each other

    Today we were joined by a grandchild and a selection of glove puppets and soft toys

    The laughter was holy, the prayer was real.