It is cold all over Britain and even in the city of Glasgow it keeps snowing a little every now and then. Cars that have not moved for a few days resembled igs (I assume you know the childish joke so I won't explain) and people muffled up against the cold bear more than a passing resemblance to the Michelin Man.
Today I set out wearing two jumpers and three hats as well as my red duffle coat (of course) and my big, black boots. I stopped at the coffee shop to purchase hot choclate with whipped cream before braving the chill of the church. Soon enough the vestry warmed up enough that I could shed one jumper and leave on only one hat.
As I sit at my computer, checking emails, reading blogs and pondering what I might speak about on Sunday (girl - multi-tasking) I am also struck by how fortunate I am compared with so many people in Britain, never mind the rest of the world. I have the option of putting on two jumpers, three hats, a coat and big boots, not everyone does. I have the health to get out from home and go to work, not everyone does. I have money to stop at the coffee shop and treat myself to luxury hot chocoate, by no means everyone does. I have heaters in my office that can be plugged in and will deliver adequte heat without fearing the bill, not everyone does.
The church heating problems are now resolved, hurrah! It was a nuisance having to hire in heating equipment over the weekend but it was fantastic how everyone pulled together and simply got on with it. Now that normal service is resumed, I hope that we will not forget those less fortunate than ourselves.