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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 863

  • Shame on me!

    I have been playing that lovely game of picking hymns/songs for a week on Sunday - not sure if anyone will like my choices, but I'm happy with them!  Long ago I learned it wasn't possible to please everyone with the music so I gave up trying but concluded if now and then I chose things I can't stand it probably evened out somewhere along the line...!

    Then I checked who was down to read so that I could email or print the order of service.  Discovering who it was, and having been told this person is the better part of twice my age I assumed they would not do email, but checked the directory just in case... shame on me, they do.  I guess having been in a church where hardly anyone used email, I simply assumed incorrectly this person would not want to be bothered with technology.  How wrong can I be - a 'wrong bong' is needed (showing I now listen to Chris Evans in a morning).  Mea culpa.

  • Interpretive Decisions

    Wrestling this week's sermon into submission has not been easy - not because I don't know what I want to say, I do.  Just that it seems to need either two paragraphs or a PhD thesis, neither of which quite fits the bill.  Ah well, maybe by close of play today I will have something I'm adequately happy with.

    One of the things that has struck me, as I've compared various translations of the main passage (the cleansing of ten lepers in Luke 17) is the interpretive choices made in each case.  Are the men 'cured' or 'healed' or 'cleansed'?  What is different about the one who returns?  Even though I'd used my trusty Greek interlinear (crib for those of us who are rubbish at Greek!) it was only after I'd completed my draft that it struck me I'd waltzed straight past the interpretive choices... hang on, I thought, nowhere are 'therapy' words used, and even my rubbish Greek recalls that one.  Walking through the park on my way home it struck me that whilst I'd spotted the 'katharos' (cleansing) words I'd blithely not spotted the 'sozo' (salvation/rescue) word had been rendered in language of 'made well' - curing.  I'm not about to rewrite the whole sermon to change it from its aim of thinking about healing and wholeness, but there is clearly another in there for someone else to do about 'cleansing' and 'salvation' based on a different set of interpretive choices.

    As a sort of an aside, among the leaflets I was lent about TLM was one from a medical perspective about the Biblical referents of 'leprosy' which deduced that translators had chosen to assign a familiar-to-them dreaded-skin-disease, 'true leprosy' to all the skin diseases referred to in the Old Testament - even when there was no evidence of 'true leprosy' being found in that area at that time.  Yet, it noted, this interpretive decision helped support the excellent work done to alleviate leprosy and its impact.  It is interesting to ponder (a) what might have been the impact of an interpretive decision that allied the conditions mentioned in Leviticus with, say, psoriasis or eczema and (b) what are the conditions might we select as the 21st century equivalents, say HIV/AIDS, maybe even MRSA or others that necessitate isolation.

  • Cultural Relevance

    Courtesy of BUGB e-news sweep, this caught my eye this morning.  Now that I have my gleaming new laptop, and have resolved the hardware issues with my ADSL modem (my instincts on the cause proving correct) maybe I need to bless it for service?

    In the past I have tried a more culturally relevant harvest festival whereby people brought items to symbolise their work but I had never paused to consider the equivalents of 'Plough Sunday' or 'Rogation Sunday.'  "Beating the bounds" could be fun though, even in an urban setting!!

  • Frae here tae there...

    Last night I went to meet the Girls' Brigade company with whom it has been suggested I work.  After nearly thirty years and several different contexts there was nothing much to surprise me - except I struggled to understand the overall leader whose accent and idiom were something to behold.  If nothing else, working with this community, very different from the one at church, will make for variety... It never ceases to amaze me how in middle class contexts I feel very aware of my working class roots, and in working class contexts feel frightfully middle class: perhaps it's as well I get to encounter both to keep me self-aware?  In the meantime, I have to come to terms with the fact that GB Scotland will require me to completely retrain despite 30 years experience and having been a trainer in England... daft but there I go.  Maybe they'll offer language lessons...?!

  • Bits 'n' Pieces... and a bit of Perspective

    So, yesterday morning I walked into church to the sound of rushing water - and discovered icy torrents cascading down the concrete stairway adjacent to my office.  Suffice to say I breathed a very large sigh of relief when I discovered my office was dry and flood-free.  It was all hands on deck to locate stop valves, place buckets under the main flow and await the arrival of the plumber to isolate the mains supply outside.  A day later and the plumber is due to arrive any time to try to attempt a more permanent cure...

    More happily my shiny new toy arrived - I had promised myself a laptop with the money I was given in various leaving gifts from my old place, plus a cople of fees for 'ocassional offices'.  It is sparkly and lovely and once I've finally managed to get it to talk properly to my ADSL modem all will be well (I suspect the issue is in how I set up the modem originally rather than the laptop but my computer nous is very limited...).  My trusty old desktop (complete with much laughed at 15" CRT monitor!) will continue to serve at church for the foreseeable future, so all is well in all sorts of ways.

    Today, having to drink coffee from the coffee shop (and take avantage of their facilities as there are none at church...) and catch up on what didn't get done yesterday is keeping me from too much mischief.

    All of this gains a lot of perspective when the news comes in of the Haitian earthquake.  What matter that running water (of the usable variety) is over the road and not in the building where I work?  What matter that I can or cannot connect my new toy to what a friend once wonderfully called the 'inter-web-thingy'?  Life and death continue all around us and inconveniences are reduced to their proper size.

    Last Sunday we sang an old children's song 'remember all the people who live in far off lands' as a connection to the idea of folk who serve God overseas, especially in this case through TLM.  The final verse says 'God bless the men and women who serve him overseas,' and this seems an apposite prayer for today, as emergency response teams travel and arrive in a land torn apart by seismic disaster to bring hope and help in whatever way they can.



    PS anyone who is thinking 'well, hey that's just you and buildings....' just recognise the hand of God in calling the right girl for the role!!