Time for something lighter on this blog methinks.
I arrived at the end of the road where church is this morning to discover 'road closed' signs and a police cordon running across the road at the end of the church building. Various forensic type people were wandering about from an 'incident' van and ordinary police officers were guarding the cordon.
'Can I get to the church?' I asked
'Oh yes, people such as yourself are fine, just stay on the path'
So, here I am, safely in the church, looking out at a cordoned off cross-roads, wondering how my car-based folk will get to the church, if the cordon will still be there when the foot folk arrive (unlike me some of them are not going to be able to duck under the cordon)
It is amusing watching the conversations between police and passers-by - lots of of hand-waving and finger pointing about whatever it is that has closed the road (I am guessing a traffic incident).
Any way, being a person like me seems to mean that so long as I'm going to church I can cross a police cordon with impunity!