Nothing much worthy of posting at the moment coupled with a post-Assembly cold (no, it's not porkine influenza despite several people worrying in case it is!) mean not much to say. But being addicted (or some such) to posting and wanting to displace a bit of hymn-picking a little longer here are some odds and ends from this week.
I am puzzled by the pricing policy of low cost airlines! I have just booked a flight for a few weeks hence, total cost a little over £100, but the breakdown shows that one of the fares, before taxes is 4p! If I had been able to travel hand baggage only and online check-in (which this airline only allows with hand baggage only) then they would have only charged me 4p - plus taxes. How does that cover the cost? I don't get it. Fortunately for them I have baggage (~£25) and real live check in (~£7) so they get some money out of me. But even so...
I was confused when I opened my Baptist Times - finally arriving this morning - and it talked about Dibley and Christian Aid week. Then I realised it was the other Dibley (of TV fame). I hadn't realised how much Dibley and where I am have become synonymous in my mind!
I came across an amusing Bible literalism quiz here (HT Neil). Having trained at Northern I got all the answers correct (we did something along these lines in the first ever Biblical studies class) and my answer to the last question reflects the training I received: I'm not a hidebound literalist but I don't just 'paper doiley' my Bible tocut out the bits I don't like. The comments on the blog that posted the quiz indicate that people have probably misunderstood the aim - which is to challenge mindless literalism not affirm it.
Andy has noted that the doctrine tutor from Spurgeon's is leaving to take up a pastorate in Devon - at a church with only 35 members accordig to the BUGB directory. This is one example of what it means to follow a calling - not always to bigger or more apparently prestigious, but to the place where Christ leads. As a minister in a small church, it is encouraging to see someone who could probably have his pick of pastorates accpeting such a call.
This week is various bits and bobs before a long drive to Scotland on Thursday (no 4p flights available and none that fitted the times I needed) ready to start walking the West Highland Way on Friday. Should be fun. Just need to remember to pack the midge repellent!