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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 906

  • West Highland Way


    IMG_0177.JPGThere is, so I discovered, a doggerel song sung by Kenneth McKellar, which extols the virtues of the West Highland Way.  The song may be far from great poetry, but the walk traverses some magnificent and diverse countryside as it winds it way from Milngavie (or Kelvingrove if you do the southern extension first) to Fort William.

    Someone hearing I was about to attempt this walk wished me well on my 'Long Walk Through the Midges' and despite various assurances that May in Scotland is dry and midge free, I got wet and bitten in equal measure!  It was a great time out from routine: time to "not think", time to "not do."  It was good to walk with a friend I have seen little of for some time and who knows that part of Scotland reasonably well, having moved there a couple of years back to be nearer her parents.

    Navigationally, it was the easiest walk I've ever done - wide paths and good way-marking throughout made it impossible to get lost and the diversity of walkers from many nations ensured some entertaining conversations and we enjoyed nicknaming the various walkers we met, overtook, were overtaken by, and then overtook once more.

    IMG_0138.JPGI could spend a lot of time listing visual highlights - the acres of bluebells, Loch Lomond in the sunlight, Ben Nevis almost clear (just a whisper of cloud grazing the summit) meandering rivers or brooding clouds over Rannoch Moor - but to do so would need greater poetry than I possess.

    IMG_0175.JPG Lots of great moments, lots of stunning scenery, way too much to eat - and now lots of socks to wash!  Overall a great week away and a much needed rest.

  • Sermons Misbehaving - Conundrums!

    Because I'm on holiday next week I am trying to prepare the sermon for when I return.  I have now realised I misread the week number as per the lectionary (not that anyone will know) so have been working with 1 John 5:1 - 6 and John 15: 9-17 and intending to do some explorations about love, noting that in 1 John believers are children of God and in John 15 friends of Jesus.  After three abortive attempts I had lunch, and realised part of my struggle was that 1 John 4:7-20 kept sneaking into my mind.

    So here's the conundrum.

    1 John 4:7 - Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

    So far so good.

    1 John 5:1 - Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who who loves the father loves his child as well.

    So which is it?  Is it our love that makes us children of God?  Or is it our faith?  Or is it the wrong question? (undoubtedly!)

    I think I'm going to add the 1 John 4 passage to our set of readings - though I'm not sure my task will be any less of a struggle - and maybe try to tease out some of the implications of the conundrum:

    1 John 4: 20 - If we say we love God yet hate a brother or sister, we are liars.  For any of us who do not love a brother or sister whom we have seen, cannot love God, whom we have not seen

    Faith is as faith does... which after all is my central Bible verse in paraphrase!

  • Essentials?

    Last night I was at a school Governor's meeting where we were discussing information relating to the appointment of a new head teacher.  When we got to essential attributes, I observed that churches always seem to want the Archangel Gabriel for their new minister.  One of the staff governors commented that many of the teachers had responded to that by saying they wanted Johnny Depp.  Since I was taking the minutes, I recorded "Archangel Gabriel meets Johnny Depp" (now I may be a getting old but Johnny Depp isn't my hunk of choice!  How about Sean Connery, Martin Shaw, Trevor Eve... ).

    I was intrigued by the assumption that a head teacher will be male, in much the same way that most churches assume ministers will be male.  How would people define their ideal female head teacher?  Virgin Mary meets ... (insert name)?  Or their ideal female minister?  Virgin Mary meets Geraldine Grainger perhaps?!  What d'you think?

  • New Wells

    Gustavo Guttirerez wrote a book on spirituality called We Drink From Our Own Wells and as I recall it is worth reading (that's about all I recall, I confess, but it is, trust me).  Someone writing in our church magazine this month said 'you never appreciate the water until the well runs dry' which, sadly, is also true.  Somewhere between the two of these is, I suspect something we all need to hear; it is good to discover new wells, new sources of life-giving, life-renewing water and here are two:

    Dancing Scarecrow is a new website offering resources that emerge from a tiny, tenacious Baptist church in East Manchester.  Clare and Tim, the writers, are the ministers. For those who love Brian Howden style connections, Clare lived nextdoor to me when I was training in Manchester and Tim trained with the person who used to be my minister when I lived in Warrington! (Oh, and Brian was senior friend to that minister when he had as his church secretary someone who used to work for me when I was in industry...)  Theirs (Tim's & Clare's in case I've confused you by now) is a special ministry in a special place and their resources will inspire and challenge in equal measure (which is good in my view!)

    Real Life Worship is a new BUGB worship groups led initiative featuring Craig Gardiner, Andy Goodliff and Simon Perry which is again about offering authentic, relevant worship resources.  Many enjoyed their session at Baptst Assembly (sorry guys I was elsewhere at the time) and some material they shared is on the site - so take a peek.

    Meantime, I must update my sidebars accordingly!

  • BMS Action Team Visit

    The 2008-9 BMS Ecuador Action Team have been visiting D+6 on their UK tour.  Last night we had a joint service at D+2 which they essentially led (it was topped and tailed by the host church).  It was great to have them there and to hear osme of how they have grown and matured in their time overseas.  Hannah gave a reflection on Teamwork based on 1 Corinthians 12 - one of my favourite passages to preach on, I have to admit - which was really good.  Rachel shared very openly and honestly about her own experiences, how she had wanted to be the 'perfect action team-er' and had tried to it all until fatigue overcame her.  All very good stuff to hear and reflect upon, especially for those of us who suffer from workaholic tendencies and are ministers in small churches!  The service ended with a hymn/song with which I have a love/hate relationship (I the Lord of Sea and Sky) as it has a habit of cropping up at significant points in my life...

    This was a cluster event - four churches were represented - yet none of the Action Team knew what a cluster was (they thoguht it a good idea when I explained).  They were also amazed that I knew one of them's church, two of them's ministers and the college (in Oxford) one of them will start at in September.  They are great young people and I really hope that they blossom in to the adults they have the potential to become.