In Spirutality and Theology on page 67 the author refers to the work of a Canadian philosophical theologian called Bernard Lonergan and says this: -
'Lonergan's language frequently sounds empirical. This may be explained by Lonergan's mathematical and scientific background - unusual in a theologian'
People often make this assertion about a perceived 'unusualness' that a person trained (and in my case also an experienced practitioner) in maths/science/engineering would have an interest in theology and/or be called to ordained ministry. But is it true? My college principle was trained as a theoretical physicist before stuying theology, other college principles I know of include at least three others with backgrounds in physical sciences and several fellow students had qualifications in scientific fields. Maybe the overall proportion is small, or maybe the assertion is flawed.
Given that both the 'history of history' and the 'history of theology' stuff I've read in the last couple days refers to a 'scientific approach' within both fields, I'd have thought it entirely feasible that people with a scientific background could/would also make reasonable theologians (not that Sheldrake says they can't, merely that they are unusual) or historians - or even both.