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Plugging the Gaps

A propos of nothing much really - just a thought that flitted across my brain and provided five minutes distraction from a backlog of admin.

As part of my research into Habakkuk, I looked him up in the Revised Common Lectionary - he doesn't feature much.  I recalled a work colleague telling me about a nun he knew who set out to list, and then read, those parts of scripture not covered by the Lectionary.  They tend to be the tricky bits - the odd rape or murder, insightment to violence against babies, and accusations of satanic parentage by none other than JC himself - and the boring & puzzling bits - long lists of names, numbers or objects and obscure rules about vomit, excrement and other bodily emissions.  But what if we did engage with these 'texts of terror' (as Phyllis Tribble titled her work) or texts of boredom or puzzlement.  How might that impact our thinking?  Hmm.

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