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Things in Pubs

This week at "thing in a pub" we undertook a review of what we've achieved and where we want to go next.  We have plans to the end of 2008, which will culminate in the Radio Leicester 'Sing Christmas' but what beyond then?  Those who were at the review meeting (a whole four of us, with apologies from one) are keen to continue doing something but don't think it is right to try to find speakers to talk to such tiny groups.  They also conceded that no-one has brought anyone along to the events and that even press adverts at £50 a go for genuine big-name (locally!) speakers had only attracted one or two - there is clearly a sense of apathy to be overcome.  But what to do?  I mentioned both 'Lyfe' and 'Pints of View' as ideas to consider, but the latter seems more like branding than resourcing (unless we buy stuff from them, which I'm not about to do on spec.) and the former is more explicitly a new take on Bible study, good stuff, but not necessarily what we are after.

So, has anyone used these materials/resources, and if so how do you rate them? Does anyone have any other ideas for a 'presence' model of church in a pub?  If my people want to carry on - and they do - we need to find something for them to do.  I'd be quite happy if it became a monthly Bible-study that happened to meet in a pub, but I'd be happier if it became something that could engage others in considering the possibility of exploring Christian faith.


  • I have been thinking about such things since our experience of Sing Christmas and our Churches Together group considering how to make this year better.
    We concluded that the best effect was made by the one or two of us who just engaged with the locals either at the bar (me) or at the snooker table (Anglican vicar). (the rest sat behind ables in church groups with, eventually some coffees, and spke only to their friends)

    We think some of us should visit the pub in the weeks(maybe that should be all year round! before and/or maybe have our minister's lunches there so we are visible and known.

    The more I think and pray the more I am convinced that we should just be naturally out in the world talking about and demonstrating out faith as opportunities arise. We need to be where people are, joining in normal life (instead of in our holy huddles) and then hopefully our Christian being will convey itself. If we are not in conversation with people how will be be able to say what we think, feel and believe?

    When I was settling I spent a lot of times of trains and I had a number of very important seed laying conversations as everyone I met seem to want to talk about how they wanted to restore their faith!

    Maybe God is calling me to a train ministry - just not sure HM would fund it!

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