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BMS Action Team Visit

The 2008-9 BMS Ecuador Action Team have been visiting D+6 on their UK tour.  Last night we had a joint service at D+2 which they essentially led (it was topped and tailed by the host church).  It was great to have them there and to hear osme of how they have grown and matured in their time overseas.  Hannah gave a reflection on Teamwork based on 1 Corinthians 12 - one of my favourite passages to preach on, I have to admit - which was really good.  Rachel shared very openly and honestly about her own experiences, how she had wanted to be the 'perfect action team-er' and had tried to it all until fatigue overcame her.  All very good stuff to hear and reflect upon, especially for those of us who suffer from workaholic tendencies and are ministers in small churches!  The service ended with a hymn/song with which I have a love/hate relationship (I the Lord of Sea and Sky) as it has a habit of cropping up at significant points in my life...

This was a cluster event - four churches were represented - yet none of the Action Team knew what a cluster was (they thoguht it a good idea when I explained).  They were also amazed that I knew one of them's church, two of them's ministers and the college (in Oxford) one of them will start at in September.  They are great young people and I really hope that they blossom in to the adults they have the potential to become.

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