Small things make big differences - anyone who thinks otherwise has never spent a night with a mosquito (according to Anita Roddick among others). Other kinds of mites have a mighty effect too - as we have been discovering in dear old Dibley.
Two examples:
A couple of weeks back we all signed a card for a small church whose building was about to be closed leaving them in the wilderness - a place we know too well. It cost us next to nothing, just a bit of time to add our names, but it meant a lot to the recipients.
As part of our clutter clearing, we uncovered three spare copies of BPW music edition (the red book) (after we'd kept a couple for ourselves) and a small number of BHB words edition (the green book) which we offered via our Association newsletter to any church who could collect them or pay postage. Within 24 hours I have rehomed the red books and some of the green books to three other churches: two are HM funded, one very very tiny, one struggling as we are with extremist politics, and one going through a tricky interregnum. All three are thrilled with our cast off, shop-soiled music books, two telling me they've been looking for a copy for ages...
There's a saying about the person who does nothing because they can't do much. We've done a few tiny things and through them God will bless people we'll never meet... kind of reminds me of a widow with copper coins and a lad with a few fish butties really.
Sounds like a quick rendition of BPW 358 (without the emendation that removes the mite) is called for...