Every now and then someone asks why I 'decided' to be a minister... and I tell them I didn't. Indeed I never 'wanted' to be a minister, I just know, beyond anything else I've ever known, that this is my calling.
I know that in some ways I'm a hopeless heretic (but a happy one) and that I have times when spiritual is the last thing I am, let alone feel, but every now and then something reminds that 'here I am , I can do no other.' Today is such a day. A phone call. An email. A friend. A stranger. But in both, there is God saying 'for this I called you.'
A few intriguing little hints going on just now about some possible future thinking for research and extra-church ministry - strange where following links on websites takes you...
So, off to do what I have to be, or be what I have to do...