I'll come clean... this is advance posted. Between losing an hour's sleep, needing to be at church bright and early for the breakfast service and then working through until it's all done, posting "on the day" is one thing too much to fit in.
Christ is Risen - Love Wins!
I wish all readers a very blessed Easter, filled with resurrection hope and indefatigable joy.
As Easter Sunday is Day 19 of 19 "on" I will be catching up some "days off" in the week ahead... so won't be posting unless something really catches my imagination.
A hymn for Easter Sunday, not one I'll be using, but one of which I am rather fond...
Christ is alive! Let Christians sing.
The cross stands empty to the sky.
Let streets and homes with praises ring.
Love, drowned in death, shall never die.
Christ is alive! No longer bound
to distant years in Palestine,
but saving, healing, here and now,
and touching every place and time.
In every insult, rift and war,
where colour, scorn or wealth divide,
Christ suffers still, yet loves the more,
and lives, where even hope has died.
Women and men, in age and youth,
can feel the Spirit, hear the call,
and find the way, the life, the truth,
revealed in Jesus, freed for all.
Christ is alive, and comes to bring
good news to this and every age,
till earth and sky and ocean ring
with joy, with justice, love and praise.
Brian Wren (born 1936) © 1969, 1995 Stainer & Bell Ltd