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Archbishop's Lent Book 2015

This afternoon I have been snuggled up (down?) on my settee with a cat for company (the other one keeping watch from afar) and reading this little book.

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I pretty much always buy the Archbishop's book, and it is always a bit of a lottery what I might, or might not, make of it.  This one is a nice, easy, read, accessible to anyone whether or not they've ever studied theology, gentle in tone and basically encouraging.  Nothing new, nothing very radical, nothing that someone who has been trying to follow Jesus for most of her life should not know... but even so worthwhile.  It is a little bit repetitive in places, but not to the overall detriment of whole.  At £9.99 cover price, it's affordable and very easy to read during the six weeks of Lent even if time and energy are in short supply.

Certainly a pleasant and uplifting way to spend part of a day off (with added kitty cat cuddles and plenty of Fairtrade tea!!)

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