Today we are invited to say two little words..."thank you"....
Got Twitter? Send someone a quick tweet to let them know why you're thankful for them in 140 characters. You could do this by text or phone too if you like.
Write a good old-fashioned thank you note. It's a worthy way to spend time, and everyone loves getting 'real mail' in the post!
Write a thank you note to a different person everyday throughout Lent. Watch our video to find out what happened when one 40acts challenger did this last year…
In the spirit of the act, a big "thank you" to you for reading this blog, whether you visit often or occaisonally or if this is the first time and you landed here via some search engine or other.
Thank you, because without readers, known and unknown, there would be little point in writing this stuff.
Thank you to those who persevere with the tempremental commenting system.
Thank you to those who sometimes drop me an email in response to something I've said.
Thank you to those who still use this as a means of checking up that I am OK, and who get concerned if I miss a day or two unexplained.
Thank you to those who tell me when I get it wrong.
Thank you to those who maintain this blogging platform, with all its idiosyncracies, and allow me a space to blabber on line and for free!
Thank you... whoever you are just for being you.