I tend not to make posts that express my political opinions, partly because I prefer to keep them private, partly because I don't want to offend or annoy anyone kind enough to read this stuff, and partly because there is power both in my position and in my posting. But today, as Article 50 is triggered (and to a lesser extent in the wake of the vote in Holyrood to request a referrendum on Independence for Scotland) I feel very sad and sense that I am no alone.
I voted to remain (this is the first time I've outed myself on how I voted - don't expect it again any time soon) because for as long as I've been able to understand it, being part of Europe has seemed a 'good thing' and nothing has convinced me otherwise. I signed the petition asking for a second referrendum, I emailed my MP and urged her to vote against the bill to trigger Article 50. If this offends any reader, I'm sorry, but I'm trying to set the background for my prayer. I have been blocked by people on social media for being a 'remoaner', which saddens me, because I have a few real life friends who voted 'leave' and we respect each other's viewpoints.
Anyway. A prayer.
God of all creation, unbound by geo-political boundaries,
On this day when one small nation state formally begins a process to separate itself from a long standing, peaceful relationship with its geographical neighbours, emotions run high and words risk being highly charged.
We can never know what might have been; can never prove that the decision was right or wrong, all we know is that it now is.
Please grant wisdom, compassion, patience and integrity to all those entrusted with working out what this means - for the UK and for the rest of the EU, indeed for the rest of the world.
Show me what I may do, say or be that will bring hope, peace and love as I endeavour to live out my faith in a "Post Brexit" world. May I never descend to the depths of "remoaning", rather help me channel my disappopintment, frustration and even anger in ways that are constructive and employed for the good of all.