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More New Skills...

This morning, I was was up, dressed, coiffed (before the wind mussed it up) and out of the door by 06:30, setting off to try to catch the early light before the wind or the sounds of the city became too loud to record myself speaking.

This was my third attempt over a number of days... the riverside was too windy, the first park I tried too noisy, but this one, first thing, seems to have been just right!

I have always admired those who work in film and television, aware of early starts and much standing around in cold places - but perhaps now I understand it just a little bit better.

Had someone said to me a few weeks back that I'd be up for this, would even give up several hours to try to 'master' it, I'd have laughed out loud.  But actually it has been surprisingly fun, and I am glad I did it.

Can't share the footage though, it's under wraps a while yet! 

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