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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 1050

  • On Cross-Cultural Marriage

    Telling people I'm conducting a 'cross cultural' marriage has been an interesting and learning experience.  Some think it's great, some clearly do not; thankfully no one has cited texts about unequal yokes (yet).  As I've prepared, and reflected, I realise that I have in the last decade or so 'travelled' a long way in my own thinking.

    There are ministers who won't marry people who live together.  There are ministers who won't marry people of different ethnicity even if they share the same, active faith.  There are ministers who won't marry people who have been divorced.  There are even, I suspect, ministers who won't marry people who aren't believer Baptised (and certainly a few Anglicans who won't marry people who aren't infant baptised).

    Most ministers, though, will quite cheerfully marry couples who have no outward faith commitment of any kind.  Pretty churches and chapels can, it seems, earn lots of money by welcoming all comers to join the conveyor belt (a local church has three on one Saturday this month).  Have we sold out somewhere or are we expressing gospel?

    I'm not sure I'd marry anyone, no questions asked, but I'd need to be pretty clear why I was saying 'no.'  Truth is I'd be more likely to say 'no' if I was unsure about the quality of the relationship than on 'ethical' grounds.  If that makes me a hopeless heretic, well, pray for me!

    It so happened that the day our couple chose to visit the church we are borrowing coincided with a united service led by our link missionary.  She, with decades of cross cultural experience didn't bat an eyelid at the idea, and said that she was always pleased when someone of another faith wanted to honour that which was good in our own.  Perhaps working in a nation where proselytisation is prohibited, she has learned valuable lessons.

    For me, there were many good reasons to say 'yes' to this marriage.

    Firstly, I need to say that ethnicity is irrelevant.  In fact it is so irrelevant I don't want to say any more about it. 

    Next, the couple wanted to marry.  In an age where there is no requirement for marriage, when they could simply live together, they wanted to make a covenant of commitment (I could waffle about UK marriage law, Biblical silence on marriage, the changing nature of marriage from a landowning and power perspective to 'love-matches' etc, etc, etc but that would be long and boring).  This is a couple who are clearly committed to each other, a relationship that has withstood testing and matured over several years.  In as much as anyone ever does, they seem to have understood what they are entering into.

    Then a bit of self-examination.  I would marry a couple with no overt claims of Christian belief, I would also marry a couple when one or both had been previously married, I would marry a couple who were living together, and I think I could marry a 'David and Bathsheba' couple.  Was this case any different?  I don't think so.  Ten years ago I would have been very unsure about this (and probably quite dogmatic), but who am I to say 'no' to a couple who want to enter a covenant tolife-long commitment and, specifically, to do so within an explicitly faith-based context?  And, for the record, it isn't even a pretty church!

    It has been challenging to work through forms of words, discerning what I feel a need to retain and what I can let go, whilst still being authentic to my Christian faith.  Recently, as part of our DPT summer school I was reflecting on the minimum I felt needed for a Christian funeral.  One of the tutors, a Methodist, and possibly more sacramentalist than I (not that that's difficult) suggested that my very presence as a sign of the Church achieved this.  It is true that we incarnate (for better or worse) what we believe.  Whether standing in a Baptist chapel and being married by a Baptist minister makes this a Christian marriage, I'm not so sure - to me marriage is not the same thing as the wedding ceremony.  What it does do is to explicitly set the wedding within the compass of faith, and, specifically, Christian faith.

    This young couple have many challenges ahead of them - I have tried to encourage them to think carefully about how they will apprach expectations from their parents abourt naming and blessing ceremnoies for any children they may have (praise God we're Baptists in that respect!), and even things like festivals and funerals, which will one day need to be negotiated.

    It would be great if, one day, when they are old and grey, they could look back to Saturday and see that it was an important milestone in their life together.  Of course I'd like them to find their own faith in Christ - if I didn't think that was important I wouldn't be a minister, but I also recognise that that is God's task, not mine: my role is to be and speak Good News, a gospel that is not constrained by my own partiality. 

    Now we see 'in a glass darkly' - how true.  Three things remain: faith, hope and love.  I hope that God's faithful love is what we demonstrate this Saturday.


  • More Minor Prophets

    Anyone got any suggestions for commentaries on either Haggai or Malachi?

    I now have two or three general purpose' minor prophets ones (including one that is scary, deeming itself capable of discerning the outworking of God's wrath on foreign dictators/nations in our own day) but would like some ideas for more focussed reading.

    I am contemplating using Haggai's rebuilding the Temple stuff with 1 Peter's 'living stones' (a theme I return to from time to time) and Malachi on God's love and our response - a kind of stewardship thing.  Each is a 'one off' as our autumn is and endless round of specials from harvest to Remembrance to One World Week to Bible Sunday to a pulpit exchange to .... and then it's Christmas.

    Any other thoughts or ideas?

  • Traditions, Superstitions & Language

    Last night we had the 'walk through' for Saturday's wedding.  These are, in my limited experience, always quite intense times, but important for the bride and groom and for those taking an active role in the proceedings.  I arrived at the church we are borrowing and met the Authorised Person, a lovely man who used to teach Chemistry in Leicester and who has a deep respect for the Asian community among whom he worked.  I asked about signing the register in church - one of the things we want to do - and he was enthusiastic, suggesting we used the Communion Table 'unless you have any objections.'  I was actually delighted - it sits centrally and would really help to bring this element of the ceremony into the service proper (It also fits quite well with old Baptist practice where the table was just that, a functional object with a drawer in which the Church Book was stored).  Then the caretaker arrived... no, you can't use the Communion Table, it will have flowers on it... what do you mean you don't want to go into the vestry...  To be fair, she's a generous hardworking woman, but if I'm bossy, well she could win prizes for it!

    Poor woman, she has seen countless weddings and they've 'always been done this way' so our 21st century cross-cultural tweaks are a bit freaky for her.  Every step of the walk through she was telling us who should be where and what they should be doing - and I had to keep saying, 'well we're not actually doing it like that.'  The A.P. exchanged a few sly grins with us at times.

    As we sent the bridal party to the porch to sort out their order (the aisles are narrow) the dear lady said 'I won't let you in until its after the scheduled start time, it's bad luck to be on time.'  'But we don't believe in luck,' said I, and the bride's mother raised her eyebrows in sympathy.  I wonder what image of westerners we created - probably rather a crazy one.  I do hope she doesn't introduce a whole pile of other crazy superstitions on Saturday!

    One thing I hadn't appreciated, though maybe I should have, is that the groom's mother speaks almost no English.  She seems a very gentle, thoughtful lady, and it will be important that our actions and attitudes communicate what our words cannot.  This seems to affirm my decision to use some symbols (or 'visual aids' for those who have a problem with symbols) as part of the service.

    Lastly, just as we were leaving, one of the groom's friends spotted the baptistry - an open one, located directly under the pulpit (a design I really dislike).  He asked what it was - and before I could utter a word the caretaker said 'it's where you go through the waters.'  Well that doesn't mean much to most Christians, never mind most people.  For her, the meaning was self-evident, she's been there all her life, but for anyone coming in for the first time...

    I am looking forward to Saturday.  It sounds as if we'll have a pretty full church by the time all the family, friends and extras (including someone from Holland apparently!) have arrived.  That's good.  It's a great opportunity for the Church to show itself as welcoming, creative and relevant.

    I hope the caretaker lady is able to relax and enjoy this 21st century celebration that embraces much that is traditional but is not bound by tradition.  Above all, I hope it is the start of a life-long and fulfilling relationship for bride and groom.

  • Inspiring

    This is a secondhand story, so the finer details may be incorrect, but it's inspiring and encouraging.

    Apparently there is a little Methodist church whose members are more mature in years.  Recently, their much-loved women's meeting voted to close - in order that the ladies could set up and run an after school provision at their local primary school.

    WOW!  That excites me.  Vision and courage; hope for a future they may never see.  Getting out of their four walls to meet a real community need.  Being gospel.

    I wonder what might happen if all the tiny women's meetings up and down the country had the courage and vision of these sisters in Christ?  Revival might just happen!

    I regularly get asked to speak to women's meetings (aaaaaargh); I think I might start sharing this story with them...

  • Cringe!

    Today I was reading a short article by a well known minister on prayer.  I liked a lot of what he had to say - prayer is not just a shopping list we give to God and expect God to do for us, we need to act as well.  However, one bit was cringingly awful!

    Citing Matthew 7, he observed that the intial letters of the three-fold command, Ask, Seek and Knock spell out... ASK, as if by divine guidance to re-enforce what he was saying.  Well, yes, in English they do, but they certainly don't spell out "aiteite" (though of course the Greek intial letters spell out AZK, so clearly God was speaking almost in English that day too.... not).  And of course it doesn't work with French or German (or any other language I suspect - is this demonstration that God is, in fact, English? ;-O )

    Given this person trained at one of the colleges that has only relatively recently stopped expecting its students to arrive reasonably 'proficient' in Greek, this is all the more naff, methinks.