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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 206

  • Food for Thought...

    I am very much looking forward to listening to this lecture later on today. The speaker has visited our church, along with her family, whilst on holiday in Scotland last year.

    Will report back later on how it went!

  • Editing Embroidery...

    When the heavy snow meant we had to postpone our Baptism service, there were some unusual implications.

    The photo shows one of them - and the flaw in my cunning plan... Unpicking and re-rembroidering isn't practical, so I need to 'cover up'.  When buying the ribbon I failed to note that a letter y' has a tail... oops. The upshot is that I will have to stitch the ribbon over the old date before I can do the tail of the 'y'.

    There's probably a moral in there somewhere, but I'm not sure what it is!!

  • Sasha studies the Scriptures...

    Sasha contemplating a (random) passage from Isaiah!

  • Praying Pussycat

    Sophie with holding cross... Beyond cute! 

  • Death-defying Daffodils...

    Just one of the daffodil plants at church that refuses to die, instead bringing glorious resurrection hope and being generally, blooming marvellous!