We made it! The last day of Lent 2015 and the final challenge... which is in some measure a real challenge unless you are by nature very ungenerous!! What can I think of? Hmmmm.
There is also an invitation to recall the challenge that made you the most happy... I think for me it was the 'hug' challenge and the unexpected opportunity to give the lollipop man, called Joseph, a hug for his birthday!! That and the smile on the face of the bucket-shaker to whom I gave a bar of chocolate. I was also quite chuffed after I'd litter-picked at church!!
Anyway, here it is:
We're here! Today is Holy Saturday, and tomorrow Christians celebrate the most generous act in the world. So, with that in mind, the culmination of our 40 day journey ends with this: do something today that's more generous than anything you've done in the last seven weeks, and do it anonymously.
ONLY ONE OPTION TODAY: Only you'll know what over-the-top generosity looks like for you. This isn't about spending lots of money or doing something on a large scale (unless you'd like to, of course!); it's about stretching yourself– whatever that happens to look like. By now you'll know that it's the heart attitude that counts. Go ahead and push the boat out today, without your name attached.