Our group reading of Dave Tomlinson's "The Bad Christian's Manifesto" is now almost done, and we've enjoyed it I think. Nothing that shocked us, nothing too much with which to disagree. The final 'chapter' is his summary of the manifesto, which is worth sharing...
- To follow the way of Jesus rather than rules and conventios
- To doubt and question WITHOUT fear, and never be daunted by orthodoxies and authority figures
- To make a priority of kindness and compassion, and pursue justice for all people.
- To embrace messiness and imperfection while aspiring to be all that we can be.
- To live courageously, and resist being motivated by guilt or fear.
- To love the world and honour it as God's body.
- To have parties, laugh often, enjoy friends and welcome strangers.
- To resist passing judgement, and befriend people in the margins.
- To look for God in every person and situation.