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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 374

  • The Bad Christians Manifesto

    Our group reading of Dave Tomlinson's "The Bad Christian's Manifesto" is now almost done, and we've enjoyed it I think.  Nothing that shocked us, nothing too much with which to disagree.  The final 'chapter' is his summary of the manifesto, which is worth sharing...

    • To follow the way of Jesus rather than rules and conventios
    • To doubt and question WITHOUT fear, and never be daunted by orthodoxies and authority figures
    • To make a priority of kindness and compassion, and pursue justice for all people.
    • To embrace messiness and imperfection while aspiring to be all that we can be.
    • To live courageously, and resist being motivated by guilt or fear.
    • To love the world and honour it as God's body.
    • To have parties, laugh often, enjoy friends and welcome strangers.
    • To resist passing judgement, and befriend people in the margins.
    • To look for God in every person and situation.
  • Slowing Down

    This is quite a strange week, workwise, as I have the next two Sundays off, so no sermon to prepare (though some prep work undertaken for the service the first week I'm back!).

    It ought to be a reflecting week, I suppose, but in practice it is a week of pastoral visits and meetings, consisting of several long days in the process.

    But it is good to slow down, to spend time with some of the most frail and vulnerable of folk, rather than simply rushing on at my normal pace (which is half what it used to be!)

    So a wind down week, then a week off and then full tilt into "Think, Pray, Vote" in the run up to the General Election in May.

    And it does look as if spring is finally making an appearance - daffodils in bloom, bits of blue in the sky and a mysterious yellow orb has been spotted too!

    Looking forward to some rest... which means even less blogging for a while, then looking forward to being back in harness again too.

  • Evening Easter Sunday

    Sunset at the close of a truly golden day.

    A lovely open air service attended by around fifity people from six different churches.

    The joy of our own muli-national congregation and sharing in the Lord's Supper because Easter and "Communion Sunday" coincide

    A relaxed and thoughtful evening service.

    And the gift of a glorious sunset.

    Thank you God.

  • Celebrating

    This is advance posted because Easter Sunday morning will be far to busy even to contemplate the wonderful world of blogland!

    At 9 a.m. we will join with folk from up to five other churches for a very short open air service in Glasgow's iconic Botanic Gardens.  After a quick cuppa and a hot cross bun, it will be time for our main service of celebration for Easter at 11 a.m.

    Then over more tea/coffee we will be celebrating with some newly weds and a newly called BMS mission partner as we share in cake...



    I am very grateful to Mr Sainsbury for baking the cakes, Google for the logos, and my cats for staying off the tbale as I worked!!

  • Holy Saturday

    That empty aching void... the blend of disbelief and certain knowledge... the wishing we could make it go away and the realisation it won't... we've all had such moments, and if we haven't then we will.


    The death of a loved one

    The failing of an important exam

    The words from a doctor "I'm sorry it's... [cancer/terminal/incurable/non-viable etc]

    The final slamming of a door

    The trampling of our dreams beneath the feet of history

    The many, many 'little deaths'


    We have no choice but to enter the pain, feel the loss of hope, experience the isolation...


    Holy Saturday is the day when, like no other, God demonstrates sure and certain knowledge of grief and desolation.  As Jesus dies, something within God's very self dies; as Jesus lies in the cold darkness of a borrowed tomb, God experiences the icy gloom of bereavement.

    Don't rush on, don't try to bypass the bewilderment, the emptiness, the all too long, all too hard to face day.  This day, of all days, God's message to us is this: me too, I have felt like that.

    Today I think of friends who grieve or are in fear, of friends whose dreams are shattered.

    For the joys and for the sorrows - for this, we have Jesus.