Today we went on a journey back in time to first century Jerusalem and travelled literally (if we wished to) or metaphorically with Jesus through some of the events of Holy Week, culminating in the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and bringing in our life size wooden cross.
It seemed to work well. As well as the Temple (above) we went to Bethany where a woman poured lovely perfume onto Jesus' feet
And we went to the Upper Room for the Last Supper:
As is our custom, we ended in silence without a blessing - the raggedy ending expressing something of the raggedness of Holy Week, epsecially for those who, for whatever reason, aren't able to join in the evening reflections.
It is quite a lot of work for a 50 minute service (always ends up shorter than a traditional services) but it is so worthwhile, and I know some good conversations will be, or will have been, shared over meal times today.
In a couple of hours I'm back at church to sing with the choir, but for now just chilling in the knowledge that we made Palm Sunday happen for ourselves today.