In a little over a week, it will be six years since I first met the people of The Gathering Place... the start of a very enjoyable and challenging relationship that continues to develop. It was a time when Dibley Baptists were really struggling and I was supporting them best I could through a painful transition. Six yeras later, they are once again in a painful place, a very different one but no less traumatic, indeed, probably more so. An enthusiastic and creative minister who has been with them around about four years is terminally ill... my heart goes out to him and to them as they try to negotiate these weeks of letting go.
One of the scripture 'sentences' I use at funerals is half a verse from Deuteronomy... "the eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms". It's a great promise and a tender, reassuring image. I pray for P & C that they will know this promise in these days, and for the Dibley BC folk as they once more face upheaval and challenge.
And, if I'm honest, it gives me pause, as I continue to be NED more than four years on from my own diagnosis with cancer. None of knows what is round the corner - we really do need to live in the present moment and not defer to "one day" which may never come those things to which we really aspire.