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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 379

  • Gratitude

    Yesterday I received the very sad news that a dear friend had died after a decade-long journey with cancer, and still only 48 years old.  She was an amazing person, never bitter or angry, always positive and making the most of every moment.  She loved pink, I hate pink.  She loved prosecco, cava and champagne, I drink tea.  She danced on the tables, I hide in a corner.  But we clicked and she enriched my life greatly.  Despite my sadness, I am still smiling when I recall times we shared, and I am grateful to have had the privilege to know her, if only for around three years.

    And today I am feeling grateful in general:


    This morning I was woken up by a pussy cat walking up my body, miaowing and asking to be fed. The other one wasn't far behind!

    This morning I swallowed seven different drugs and three different supplements as well as smearing steroid cream all over my (finally calming down) bites.

    This morning I boiled a kettle and made tea, warmed a frozen croissant in the oven and ate it with lashings of strawberry jam (calorie coutning can wait!)

    This morning I looked out from my window to see patches of blue amidst the silvery low clouds, and sensed the sun shining on my world

    This morning I switched on my laptop and caught up with news from friends far and wide.


    This morning I woke up... grateful for feline company, the NHS, for clean water on tap and electricity at the flick of a switch, for food in the cupboard (freezer) and a safe home where I live, for digital communications... and above it all for LIFE.

    Way back in 2010 when I was diagnosed with cancer I vowed to find a 'thing of beauty' every day - a positive amidst whatever life may show me. It's rare I record them, but they are always there. Today whatever life brings, there is beauty to behold, and life itself is a gift beyond price.

  • 40 Acts - Day 29

    Bless the boss... bit tricky when your boss is God rather than a person, or a whole church full of people rather than a line manager, or even two especially gorgeous kitties... maybe I just need to pause briefly to acknowledge all the poeple I serve and am served by.



    We often fire off an email or letter complaining, but how often do we send one that is full of praise? Bless your leader today with an email, letter or text that’s crammed with kindness.


    Chances are your leader’s schedule is hectic. How could you ease their burden today? Could you run an errand, make tea, offer a lift or walk their dog? Do something small and practical to lighten the load.


    Make a conscious decision to honour and support your leaders on a long-term basis, even if it’s difficult sometimes.

  • 40 Acts - Day 28

    Very late posting this today - it has been a very busy day one way and another so only just now having a few minutes to post it.  Pretty self-explanatory I think...


    Unbutton those cuffs and let’s get elbows-deep. This is all about practical generosity; the kind that gets things done – no fuss. It’s about seeing a need and working out how to provide a practical solution. It might need good planning and forethought, or it could just be a spur-of-the-moment thing.


    Eyes peeled today – where could you help out instead of walking by? Whether you’re helping a stranger to carry a suitcase, assisting an elderly person across a road, or giving someone a free lift somewhere – the key is practical, physical acts of kindness.


    Got a bit more time to get stuck in? Brilliant! Maybe your neighbour hasn't been able to give much attention to their garden lately, or your family member could do with their car being washed. Whatever this looks like to you, make sure you make the most of mucking in.


    Identify an issue in your community: it might be that homelessness, drug addiction or unemployment is a particular problem where you live. Or you might just know quite a few people who’d benefit from a new youth group or book club. Get a group of people together and start something practical to make a difference where you are.


  • 40 Acts - Day 27

    Grace growers... the nice Christian term for "people who p*** me off daily" and which attempts to foster a better attitude towards them. Strangers are simply friends you haven't met yet (so the cliche goes).  Cliques arise often unintentionally but can be exclusive and insular.

    Today's challenge seems to reflect these realities:


    Your group, your clique, your club, your ‘gang’, your crowd. It’s great to have a core circle of friends, but it’s probably even better to open it up to include others. Who knows? You might end up with a Tinigua-speaking, acrobat artist with a special fondness for rich tea biscuits in your friendship group…!


    Deliberately seek out those you’d normally avoid today and just start with a ‘Hello’. Say ‘Hi’ to someone new at the school gates, at the train station, at the water cooler or even on Twitter.


    Got a social event coming up? Most people love going to see a movie, heading out for a meal or getting together for a party, so invite someone new and make it clear you’d really like them to come.


    You might know a few people that you just can’t be bothered with: you find them annoying/boring/too hyper/too quiet (insert your own gripe here). Someone once said those people are like sandpaper: they rub us up the wrong way but eventually smooth out all of our rough edges. Bring those people into your circle somehow today.

  • 40 Acts - The Unexpected!

    I was walking to church and, as usual, paused to say hello to the lollipop man.  He commented on the lovely, springlike weather, I replied that according to my sister Saturday (her birthday) is the official first day of spring.  He then told me that today is St Joseph's day, his name day, and yesterday was his birthday... which was the perfect excuse to say "that deserves a little hug" ...and we did.

    So, happy St Joseph's Day to anyone marking it today!