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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 380

  • 40 Acts - Day 26

    Today we are invited to share hugs, literal or metaphorical, with friends and strangers!  For me, hugging is largely a 'learned' behaviour, my parents weren't big on shows of affection; cuddles or hugs I can count on one hand.  I think in another environment I might have been quite a huggy child, but there you go, I know I'm loved and that's what matters.  I do vaguely recall reading a book donkeys' yonks ago that said we need something like a dozen hugs a day to survive, let alone thrive... well on an average of zero, I'm still here and I think I'm basically OK!!

    Anyways, virutal hugs to all who pass by today.

    And here's the challenge:


    Sometimes words just won’t do, and for those moments the hug was invented. It’s the most effective and simple way to say a truck load of things: "hello", "I appreciate you", "you're loved", "feel better", or just "you're comfy" to name a few. Say whatever you need to say with arms wide open today.



    Send somebody a virtual hug. Let them know you are thinking of them. Put lots of XOXOs on the end just to make sure they 100 per cent get the message!



    That’s cool. Instead of hugging here, there and everywhere, we challenge you to give out just one, very deliberate, bear hug to someone who will especially appreciate it.



    What are you waiting for? You need no excuse: hug everyone – no exceptions. If you’re feeling particularly wild, you could even create a ‘Free hugs’ sign and wear it around town for the day.


  • 40 Acts - Day 25

    Serve the server... treat with dignity those whose employment makes our lives better.

    The danger of feeling a bit smug here is great... I have a local independeNt coffee shop where I already chat to the staff whenever I go in.  I have built up a rapport with the lollipop man on my route to church.  Having spent a substantial part of my life in the north of England, I always say hello and goodbye to shop staff.

    Today I will be at the Coffee Club - we have worked to build genuine relationship with the pub staff, and have always given tips when we stay on for lunch... recently an embarrassed young waiter said that they were no longer allowed to accept tips, so we can't do the 'generous tip' thing.

    So it's a challenging challenge for different reasons!  See what you make of it...


    People who serve us are everywhere – shop assistants, waiters, baristas, maintenance people – but what happens when we offer something back? This is about turning the tables in a nice way and being generous to those that usually put us first.



    Treat the person who serves you with dignity and courtesy. Make eye contact. Ask their name. Show genuine gratitude. Smile! Friendly customers can brighten up a day on the job.



    Strike up a conversation with your local park-keeper, ticket inspector, road sweeper, dinner lady, waiter or lollipop man. Tell them why you appreciate them. Be interested.



    Leave an extravagant tip, tweet an encouragement about great service or write a complimentary letter to their Head Office/line manager. Want to get creative? Use Charlie’s blog as inspiration, and let your server choose your meal for you today.

  • The Power of Small Things

    There is a saying, which I can't quite recall, along the lines that anyone who says small things can't make a difference has never slept in a room with a mosquito.

    Somewhere along the line on Friday afternoon/evening some small (and thus far invisible) biting creature(s) found its/their way into my house and began biting me.  Over the last two days I have treated my cats for fleas (though no sign of any on them, phew), sprayed, hoovered, sprayed some more and still have another round of hoovering and a whole lot of re-washing of bedding/clothes to do just in case.

    I think the biting has stopped - but the psych-somatic itching has not!  Whatever it was, small and seemingly invisible, it has had the power to disrupt my week and leave me doing a passable impression of Spotty Muldoon!

    Apolgies to all readers who are now scratching... see how powerful these small things are!

  • 40 Acts - Day 23

    One for the chocoholics I guess... and hoping that the recipients haven't given up cacao for Lent!  Mostly on my own today apart from a couple of meetings, and have already given chocolate to all my neighbours, so a little tricky... but I'll think of something!


    Mmm, chocolate. We think #ChocolateTuesdays – free chocolate given to all – should be an official thing. With that in mind, today’s act has one aim: chocolating. Yes, we’ve created a verb. It’s a simple, quick way to surprise someone. And for those that aren’t cacao-crazy? Well, choose a sweet treat of choice. Dentists all over the nation might not approve, but everyone else will be smiling …



    Slip a bar of chocolate into someone’s bag with a note saying ‘#40acts’. Or leave a bar or two in your local library, on a park bench or on the train.



    Chocolate everyone in your department/road/toddler group – or wherever you happen to be going today.



    Clear the confectionary aisles in your local supermarket and get out onto the streets, handing out free treats for all. Or you could do what some challengers did last year and announce free chocolate on your commute home!

    We’re covering the country in chocolate today. Snap a pic of you chocolating your area, and hashtag it with #40acts #ChocolateTuesday.

  • 40 Acts - Day 23

    Today is one that is perhaps most suited to those who engage in social media like such as, but not limited to, Facebook and Twitter.  The sense of mindless trawling down lists of posts cliccing 'like' or 'favourite' or 'retweet' or 'share' and then never giving it a second thought.  Guilty as charged, your honour!  Even those who are more discerning and use the web more intentionally might like to give thought to these challenges...


    There's a lot of noise on social media. And probably even more in the newspapers. Everyone's got a story they want to air. Sometimes these snippets can be great things, but other times it’s a little more worrying. Dedicate some time to scroll through your newsfeed, in whatever form that takes, and pick out what's shouting to be prayed for.



    Read your local newspaper, watch TV or scroll through your Facebook newsfeed. Pray for each item as it appears.



    Use your journal to write down some prayer points for today or schedule three blocks of five minutes to pray for whatever you encounter either on social media or the news today.



    You’ve got time to act! Yes, keep on praying through your social media feed, but take action too. Write letters of support, make donations to charities in need of help, answer friends’ cries for help and more!