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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 396

  • Ministry is...

    ... nothing like the job spec, if there was such a thing, which there isn't.

    The last few days have been totally off-script and maybe a tad off piste.

    But today, as I exercised a ministry that is not in any theological text book or pastoral care course, I was reminded that this is precisely what ministry is: privilege.

    Privilege to share the most personal and significant moments in the lives of others

    Privilege to share with the most vulnerable of people

    Privilege to expend your energy and love in situations that really matter

    No amount of "sound doctrine" or "worthy preaching" counts for anything unless it finds its expression in love lived... faith without deeds is, as James so well expresses it, dead.

    Time off totally failed... need to be careful and pace myself... but it is being pretty special right now.

  • Christmas Day 2014

    Worshipping with folk from UK, Nigeria, USA and Sweden


    Dining with folk from all walks of life


    Remembering absent friends


    And basically having a ball!

    God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son...

    The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not understood it, not overcome it...

    May the blessings of the seaosn be yours now and always

  • Bloggy Christmas Card


    This afternoon is the Gingerbead Nativity - an afternoon of love and laughter culminating in a creative telling of the Christmas story.

    I debated advance posting for tomorrow, when I'll be out all day but opted not to this year.  Instead, this is a kind of a bloggy Christmas card!


    May the joy of the angels,

    the eagerness of the shepherds,

    the perseverance of the wise men,

    the obedience of Joseph and Mary,

    and the peace of the Christ child

    be yours this Christmas


    (borrowed from the C of E)

  • Antipodean Christmas Day Blessings!

    I have a small but loyal readership in the southern hemisphere, where it is already Christmas Day - so wishing them the blessing of a happy day, filled with love and laughter, and that the year ahead is healthy and hope-filled.

    Special greetings to Baptists in Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand.


  • All Prep Prepped!

    That joyous moment when all the serivce prep is prepped - including Sunday 28th (albeit not printed off yet) which means I get two whole days off after tomorrow.

    This maybe as well, as I a delightful Christmas cold all set to peak tomorrow :-)