Back in the 1980s I heard of a church that was in the ground floor of a multi-storey building. Allegedly one Sunday moring as they sang "How lovely on the mountains... our God reigns" water began to pour through the ceiling... it may be apocryphal, but it led to it being dubbbed the umbrella hymn.
And it is one of those listed in the additional hymns for Advent list in BPW. Not always the most singable lyrics - who can forget having to sing "on his shoulders, on his shoul-oul-oul-oul-ders, on his shoul-oulders he bore our shame"?
BPW has two versions - the more singable four verse one (without the shoulders) and the longer, orignal version (with added shoulders warbles)
It was a hymn of its time, I think, and certainly for me has only positive associations (including indoor rain and warbly shoulders). A valiant attempt to make a hymn of part of Isaiah 52, and really more for Passiontide than Advent, it is nonetheless worth another airing (this version shoulder of lamb not included!!)