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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 399

  • Eighteen Carols!

    Tomorrow sees two services of the "nine lessons and carols" variety - I picked the nine for the morning, someone else the nine for the evening - and we have zero duplicates.  I reckon that's mighty impressive!

  • Christmas Tree

    tree.jpgToday I set up my Christmas tree... and discovered that the fairy lights I bought around quarter of a century ago in 'Do It All' (W H Smith's DIY chain of yesteryear) in Warrington no longer worked.  Likewise the IKEA candle bridge I bought in the Warrington store also around twenty-five years ago.  You just can't get the quality nowadays!

    The tree, along with most of the baubles, was bought in Beatties, Northampton, a store that, having been subsumed by House of Fraser finally closed this year after being a place I loved to visit since it opened in 1977!  The tree is of an age with the lights.

    Underneath it my grandma's Christmas table cloth, Polish linen, a gift from my Aunt in Australia somewhere around 1980.

    Decorations include several given me by friends' children, some hand made, mini nutcracker dolls my sister brought me back from Germany even before I had tree, tinsel from Woolies... and so it goes on.

    There is something special about the cluttered mix of glorious tat that carries within it so many memories.  Seems a little strange not having the lights - maybe next year I'll buy some new ones, but for now I am happy with my unlit tree.

  • A Little Seasonal Heresy :-)

    three jesuses.jpg

    Today is a lovely day of festive preparations, including creating a gingerbread nativity scene for Wednesday!!

    So, Phase 1 - The Bake (note the capitals to add gravitas!)

    And here we see three babies Jesus... just in case one gets burned in the oven, or breaks in decorating or worse still in transit.

    So, the nativity triplets: Jesus, Thomas-didimus-Twin and Brian?

    By the time it comes to eating the little Lord Jesus after the 'service' I reckon my seasonal work of heresy will be complete!

  • In Beauty and in Power

    The last offering from the 'cross reference' section, BPW 635, "O Day of God, draw near".

    This has a very contemporary feel, stylistically and linguistically, reflecting its mid to late 20th century authorship.  The Day of God to bring judgement not as smiting baddies but as ushering in justice and peace.  I was very struck by the phrase "in beauty and in power" - I can't recall ever seeing that combination of attributes elsewhere.  That God's powerful judgement is not simply tempered by mercy (though that is, of itself pretty amazing) but is somehow beautiful, expressed in and through beauty, produces beauty.. on a rainy Weegie morning that is a wonderful thought to ponder.


    O Day of God, draw near
    in beauty and in power,
    come with your timeless judgement now
    to match our present hour.

    Bring to our troubled minds,
    uncertain and afraid,
    the quiet of a steadfast faith,
    calm of a call obeyed.

    Bring justice to our land,
    that all may dwell secure,
    and finely build for days to come
    foundations that endure.

    Bring to our world of strife
    your sovereign word of peace,
    that war may haunt the earth no more
    and desolation cease.

    O Day of God, draw near
    as at creation's birth;
    let there be light again, and set
    your judgement in the earth.

    Robert Balgarnie Young Scott (1899-1988) © Emmanuel College, Toronto, Canada

  • It's a Wonderful Life (no, not the film!)

    "My life is brill-yunt" as the song says... well, if not always brilliant, then certainly it is fulfilling and contented.

    And today has been an especially lovely birthday, mixed in with the inevitable seasonal events that happen this time of year!


    First it was the toddler group end of term party... a wisely planned morning that followed its typical pattern with some festive treats, crafts and then ended up with me telling the story of "the smallest sheep, the littlest lamb, the wee-est woolly" using the knitted sheep from our 'sheep trail' two years ago!  It was very magical.

    Then it was a delicious relaxed lunch with a friend in Zizzi (other restaurants are available!)

    Back to church for the we-don't-do-parties group who were sharing plates groaning under the weight of cakes and doughnuts and warm mince pies as a celebration of Christ's birth (but it WAS NOT a party).  We sang some carols, listened to a speaker and had a pleasant time.

    Then home to find this waiting on my doorstep:


    A birthday gift from my "chemo buddies" who are now a group of precious friends scattered from me in Glasgow down to Sussex and all points in between.  You may spot some holly leaves - which they had asked to be added as a tribute to Holly cat.  We share a special bond, and I was really touched by the flowers and the accompanying message.

    Lots of lovely cards, some wonderful gifts - toasty warm mitts, posh jam, posh toiletries, book shop voucher and an owl shaped handbag (!)...


    I am feeling really spoiled, feted, loved... it is a very wonderful life.