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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 510

  • Wardrobe Downsizing

    It's embarrassing... I have not ironed for four weeks now, though all the washing is up to date, and I still have LOADS of clean, ironed clothes in the wardrobe.  Time, then for a declutter, a systematic, non-sentimental (well almost) sift through the things that hang there unworn and really ought to be passed on to charity shops or even for rags (arguably some are almost museum pieces, such as the C&A blouses I bought in 1988! (and I actually wore one as fancy dress a few weeks back)).

    So now there are a couple of small cases and a couple of bags full of stuff... seven suits in assorted colours, goodness knows how many white blouses that date back to my industry days, a variety of 'ugh' cardigans and jumpers I have been gifted at various points (some still NWT in Ebay language) and various other items that I have long stopped wearing.

    It was an interesting exercise, one I do every couple of years (with varying degrees of ruthlessness), partly because I could clearly remember when and where I bought most of the items, and why I bought them (hence why they have hung there so long).  Many happy memories stirred or people and places.

    It was also a very sobering exercise in how much material wealth we take for granted in the west.  I quick count showed that I still have twelve suits in the wardrobe, and though I chucked out all the winter skirts (nothing under a decade old!) still more than enough outfits to keep me going for a long, long time.

    Next job... start on the ironing mountain.  Not a task I like, but I love the results... and it will be good to be back on track to weekly quantities again!

    If cleanliness is next to godliness, then maybe a bit of decluttering constitues a step towards holiness?!

  • Sabbatical is.... STOP!











    ... and many other alleged synonyms.


    Be still... this is where shabbat begins, this is how sabbatical starts... with stopping, stilling, be-ing not do-ing.

    So this is advance posted for Week 1 Day 1, when the only thing in my dairy is 'sleep'

  • Blessing...

    This morning towards the end of the service, this blessing was prayed for me as I begin my sabbatical.  I stood in the centre of the church and the children (and a few parents) formed a circle around me.  It was very moving...


    May you enter trustingly into this sabbath space
    May you enter quietly into this sabbath rest
    May you enter joyfully into this sabbath play

    Let your body unfold in this sabbath
    Let your mind unwind into this sabbath
    Let your spirit expand into this sabbath

    May it reveal its secrets to you gently
    May it embody its truth in you authentically
    May it release new life in you abundantly

    So go with gladness into this sabbath
    Go with gratitude into this sabbath
    And may the God who rests on the sabbath
    look at her labours in you
    and proclaim, ‘It is very good.’

    Nicola Slee


    I will do my best to play my part in the answering of the prayer.

    God bless you all, Gatherers, stay safe, love one another... and keep a space for me at the table ready for my return xx

  • Count Down to Sabbatical - One

    Off to church in a few minutes, taking the freshly washed vestry towels, loo rolls and loos cleaner for the minister's loo!  One of the more 'odd' tasks of pastoral ministry.

    Today is the Sunday School 'end of year celebration' which they lead, so I get off lightly, with just a reading to do and maybe the odd word to say at some point.  After the evening service that's it - for three months.  Very odd indeedy.

    This weekend is also Petertide, when Catholics, Anglicans and Methodists do their ordinations - a very different approach from baptistic and congregational traditions.  This morning those ordained yesterday will be conducting their first services, presiding at their first Eucharists and will be glowing with that glow of of new beginnings.  I also envy them the inevitable naivety that goes with that stage of ministry, but only almost.  I don't think I am jaded or cynical about ministry, but I am far more realisitic and chastened in my expectations of others and of myself.


    God of Peter, the wobbly rock on which you chose to build your church (contra Christ's own parable, it sometimes seems) bless the frail and eager people who are newly ordained to his service.

    May they discover unexpected joy and profound fulfilment

    May the inevitable disappointments, struggles and even failures, be transformed by your grace

    Strengthen them, uphold them, and above all, embrace them in your love


    God of Abram, call us

    God of Ruth, uproot and resettle us

    God of Barnabas, encourage us

    God of Paul, transform us

    God of James, ground us

    God of Christ, bless us


  • It's a Cat's Life...


    It would appear that Holly is very glad that the IKEA bags have not only been brought back from church, but have been emptied, allowing her to reclaim one of them as "bed of the week".

    Still need to properly sort out all the stuff that came home as I now can't see the desk in my 'junk room cum home office' for books, papers, CDs and random objects used for sermon/all age talk illustrations!