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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 513

  • Instant Access...

    Today I have spent some time reading around the readings I will be using to inform Suday's sermon.  As part of that I downloaded a few commentaries to my kindle (other e-readers are available).  This has the advantage that they are there in a few seconds... and the disadvantage that you can download them in a few seconds means it is tempting to pick some that are very inexpensive without knowing what they are like.  I got a couple with interesting titles that turned out to be very poor, which feels like a lesson learned - if it's only a couple of quid it's probably only worth a couple of quid.  On the other hand I did get one of Tom Wright's "Paul for Everyone" series, which has already justified its purchase.  I also ordered a real paper copy of one in the series I am slowly - too slowly - collecting.  A decade ago, when I began in ministry, my plan had been to buy one a month in this series... real life overtook that ambition, but I now wish I had done it, as I would have the the whole set by now.  Ah well.  I can begin afresh and build on the few I do have until I have the lot...

    In the meantime, back to the start of Galatians and a bit of 1 Kings!

  • Spring Rain Holiday

    True to form, the Bank Holiday Monday at the end of May brings rain... memories of House Group BBQs and a friend's son's birthday parties moved swiftly indoors.

    Two days off (or almost, have a meeting tomorrow) and two lots of visitors appearing.  Am also hoping to get to see 'The Great Gatsby' but that may have to wait until next week now; we'll see.

    Lots to do - cakes to bake (possibly including prototype halal cupcakes - we have been asked if we will have some at our West End Festival 'bake-off'... if you have any tried and tested halal cake recipes let me know)) - dinner to cook but it ill be fun.

    Friends from Warrington with relatives in Scotland who have links to some of my Gatherers (wave to A&D who sometimes read this stuff)

    Friend from Didcot who is visiting another friend of hers in Glasgow (wave to V and all BUGB readers).

    So, two days of 'not church' (apart from a BUS meeting) and some time to chill.  Perhaps a good job I have a (complex) jigsaw on the go as it's not weather for walking.

  • What's God Like?

    Today I used a story book recommedned in the 'Roots' material for our 'all together' bit of the service:


    This little book, seemingly out of print, but available second hand, offers a child-friendly approach to thinking about the mystery of God.  Not trinitarian but not anti-trinitrian either.  Beautifully written and colourfully illustrated... so long as you can deal with English (USA) it is a delight.

  • Race for Life - Glasgow 2013

    Some of my friends were taking part in Glasgow Race for Life this morning - I am very proud of them, some only just out of 'active treatment' for breast cancer, some celebrating their first anniversaries of diagnosis, some several years NED, and all of them living life to the full.  Regular readers know that we have had to say farewell to two of our youngest girls recently, but the positivity, energy and determination of these women is inspiring (even if we officially hate the word! We are just women doing what we have to do, living life our way and dreaming of a day when no-one has to walk this path).  One of them was privileged to start the 'race' and all of them completed the walk.

    This photo 'borrowed' from Daily Record website shows some of them (in pink sashes), and the husband of one of them with a teeny placard of support!!

    gabbies rfl 2013.jpg

  • "Non-Religous"?

    I cannot imagine beginning a funeral service thus:

    "Good day, my name is Catriona, I am am ordained Baptist minister accredited by the BUS and BUGB.  This service will include religion and is explicitly Christian so there will be hymns, prayers... Christians believe that..."

    I can't imagine it, but it is exactly the way the two Humanist funerals I've attended began.  Don't get me wrong, I have no opposition to such 'ceremonies', indeed I think it it vital that 'non-religious' (which is actually not the same as Humanist) options are available to those who desire them.  And I am not criticising the way the services were conducted, each was carefully and sensitively delivered, included space for private reflection, a eulogy, some readings and some music.  Both of them were meaningful and positive experiences.

    So, no religion - hmm.  In each funeral the celebrant used these words:


    To everything there is a season...

    A time to be born and a time to die.


    Hmm, so not Ecclesiates 3:1 - 2 then.  No, not much.


    No scared words - well no, except in poems that spoke of a Master and songs about the Arms of an Angel.


    But beyond all of this what, for me, is lacking, is the assurance of hope that faith offers.  The promise that whilst death is a mystery and we cannot prove there is life beyond it, yet we trust that it might be so... not might as 'just about maybe' but might as in 'will'.  What is missing is the reassurance that we do not return to the world and live out our days - as best we can - ultimately with no eternal meaning or purpose.  What is missing is the promise that in the end it'll be alright.


    I would not wish to inflict my faith-position on any grieving family, would not want to deny anyone the right to the kind of funeral that for them holds meaning.  For me though, however wonderful the eulogy, however beautiful the floral tributes, however moving the music, unless I am given both "strength for today and birhgt hope for tomorrow" I feel short -changed.


    I was glad to be at my friends' funerals, glad to learn more about their lives BC, privileged to meet their families and life-long friends.  I was pleased to add my 'farewell' to those of others.  And I guess, if I am honest, that it has been good to reflect again on what a funeral is trying to achieve.