The view from my living room at midnight 24/25 June (i.e. last night)... the last vestige of sunset still visible on the horizon and the sky not quite dark (no, it's not light pollution). Past the longest day now, the nights are drawing in (just thought I'd get in ahead of the west coast Eeyores!!)
A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 512
Days are getting shorter...!
Count Down to Sabbatical - Six
Last day off on a Tuesday! When I return to normal patterns in October, my day off will revert to Monday.
Have to let a plumber in to do an insurance inspection of the water-related stuff on the manse. Otherwise, planning a pretty lazy day!
Count Down to Sabbatical - Seven
Very odd knowing that after this week I will not cross the threshold of the Gathering Place (barring a planned wedding and any major pastoral crises) for three months after this week. Even during my sick leave two years ago I came to church more Sundays than not, so the thought of not being here is incredibly odd.
So, with one week to go, it is the final tidying up exercises, administratively, pastorally and practically. Today is 'blitz the vestry day' - much needed as the remnants of Christmas and Easter, and assorted other events from Student Welcome to Flower arranging evening, are scattered around the place, having been abandoned in here for convenience (so, for example, I have the Sunday School nativity costumes!).
De-cluttering a vestry is, of itself, an act of reflection - the spare copies of litrugies and Bible studies, discarded drafts of sermons or prayers, left over 'cut-outs' from some interactive act of worship, notes from random phone calls. outdated prayer guides and directories...
So 'Seven' is not just a practical clearing out exercise, it is a reflection on the two and a half years since the last major de-clutter.
I had better get on with it then - the vestry won't declutter itself!!!
A Decade On...
Scarily it is now just over a deacde since I emerged from the 'minister machine' or 'vicar school' or whatever name it may, or may not, have been known by (at least it wasn't the "evan-jelly-mould" a name given to another Baptist college).
This book plate is pasted in to the front of the Bible I use most Sundays when preaching, a leather bound, gilt edged, NIV-inclusive language edition. This Bible is held together with selloptape (other brands are available) having been dropped more than a few times. The gilt is rubbed away ion many places, pages a creased and some are a bit ruckled (sp?) having come into contact with water somewhere along the line.
I have a feeling that I am bit like my Bible - somewhat battered as a result of ten years in ministry, the shiny edges rubbed away with use, wrinkles, crinkles and lots of sellotape (other brands...) holding me together. A lot of my understandings have changed along the way but at the core I am still the girl whom God called, unequivocally, to follow this path.
Tomorrow is my last preach before my sabbatical starts (one more working Sunday but I'm not preaching) and I look forward to a time of smoothing out, re-gilding, re-taping, re-binding, re-freshing ready for another season of disicpleship and service.
Thank you, God, for the past decade, for all it has shown me and taught me, for the countless privileges it has brought me, and the blessings I have received.
Help me, please, to entrust myslef afresh to your guiding, transforming, challenging, so that I may walk in to the future, step by step, following Jesus
Make a Difference
One of the unexpected bonuses of my protracted jounreys in the last week or two has been the opportuity to listen to more music on my MP3 player... I am lazy, I tend to switch it on and let it run through in its own order and (because it is a very cheap one it has no 'shuffle') tend to hear the same peices over and over again.
The longer jounrney times meant I heard, for the first in ages, this by Paul Filed, and heard it almost anew... his songs always make me think. Apologies if the language bothers you, but it has a good message...
I don't wanna buy Jesus on a corporate CD
I'm not looking for a lifestyle based on some kind of holy MTV
And I don't want a new experience to take me deeper into myself
I want faith that's going to make me
Some good to someone else.
It's got to make a difference from the cradle to the grave
To the diamonds and the dirt we dig up along the way
It's got to make a difference to our short attention span
If a cross can be a crown and God can be a man.
I don't wanna come to worship for a Sunday morning shine
Just a pill you take for holiness
Wash it down with bread and wine
I won't kneel before an altar built on riches and success
I want love to touch my heart, nothing more and nothing less
It's got to make a difference…
It's got to make a difference in this world of our mistakes
To the lies that we won't swallow and the crap that we don't take
It's got to make a difference, if we really understand
It completely changes everything if God can be a man
Every man and woman equal, let compassion draw the line
From Baghdad into the White House, from Israel to Palestine
It's got to make a difference from the bottom to the top
Let the hope begun in Jesus be a passion we can't stop
For the outcast and the broken abd the hungry and the poor
For the Zealots and the Terrorists, who aree beating on our door
Beyond the streets of Babylon let's find a prayer to pray
To go beyond religion and let love have her way
It's got to make a difference
It's got to make a difference
Beyond the streets of Babylon let's find a way to pray
To go beyond religion, and let God's love have her way
Beyond the streets of Babylon let's find a way to pray
To go beyond religion, and let love have her way
Paul Field © Paul Field