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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 635

  • Bursting With Pride!

    If pride be a sin then a sinner I am in extremis.

    I think we confuse pride with vanity, and the sin is the latter rather than former.

    But I was "bursting with pride" this morning as our students led our worship, and our congregation received what they had prepared.  There were some real glimpses of heaven, some grace-filled moments when the now-and-not-yet distance became a little more contracted.

    Our students did us proud, in that I rejoice, and for that I thank God.

  • Sanctus...

    As I was typing the last entry, I heard the strains of music emerging from elsewhere in my home... the radio alarm comes on at 7:30 on a Sunday rather than the 6:00 of weekdays; also my cat does not appreicate this hence I'm up and active.

    The music was Libera singing Sanctus... a piece of music I first heard many moons ago when I lived in Warrington, and bought a CD of this boy-choir, something I've used on many occasions in worship, and simply used as 'chill' music.

    As with many pieces of music, this one has power to transport me to times and places that, for me were significant.  This morning I was found myself transported back a year or so, as this was one of the pieces I fell asleep to after my surgery.  I still love it, the clear treble voices and the setting of the sanctus to Pachabel's canon.  Hope you enjoy it too.

  • Education Sunday

    Today is a first for us at church, at least in my time here...

    Today we/I hand over the reigns to our students to lead worship for Education Sunday.  This is a really exciting, and everso slightly risky, undertaking.  I am not too concerned, since I know that most of them are very familair with leading, or participating in the leading of, public worship.  I know that they have planned meticulously (well two planning meetings and several texts/emails etc) and have asked me very pertinent questions.  I know, too, that they appreciate the responsibility they have to 'get this right'.  But it will be fun... an all age extravaganza, with crafts for the kiddies and a communion liturgy created by some of the students themselves.

    So, this morning my duties are:

    • set up the projection equipment (not something we use every week as our space is not ideal for it)
    • sing with the choir
    • take the role of the proud 'mum' watching her 'children' up on stage... (except that for certain minister friends of mine, this metaphor has some very unfortunate connotations)
    • make sure I pick up any negative remarks and divert all the compliments to the students

    It will be fantabulous - I am looking forward to it greatly.  Go H,G,G,E,M,M,N,C and anyone I've missed!

    I think it is also the last service one of our Africans will be at before he leaves, in which case I'll nip in at the end to pray him on his way.

  • World Cancer Day

    4th February 2012 is World Cancer Day

    I wasn't sure whether to link this or not - I mean, cancer is by and large a problem for the wealthy west, where our bountiful lifestyles (and to a degree climates) mean that hunger, leprosy, TB, malaria, typhoid, and so on are not a problem for us.  Should we be worrying about the one-in-three in the west when every few seconds a child dies due to poverty (remember the 'click' campaign of 2005?).

    Also, the video is very North American and as the boring non-drinking never-smoking, non-overweight, healthy-eating, regular-exercising person who still got cancer parts of it grate... it's not as easy as eating broccoli or getting screened (if that's even an option) or taking more exercise... but these things do help.

    Anyway, everyone who reads this will either know someone affected by cancer or have cancer themselves, so irrespective of complex issues of justice, it does affect our lives.  So maybe you might want to check it out?

  • Quiztian Aid

    The pack for Christian Aid Week landed on my desk this week, and I was particularly struck by the quiz idea it contains... a paper quiz you can sell to frineds and neighbours for £1 (or more if they wish).  When I went online to see if I could download an electronic copy of what I assumed to be a Christian Aid-Scotland initiative, I found loads of quizzes for various regions of the UK, that look quite good fun.  Check them out and get raising money!

    Clue for English readers... the first place on the East Midlands quiz is aka Juxta-Dibley in this part of blogland.