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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 693

  • Unthinking Literalism

    Today's BUGB e-news sweep carries the story of a Christian midwife who is suing her employer for making her wear surgical scrub trousers in an operating theatre, something she sees as contradicting the Deuteronomy regulations on cross-dressing.  It is, for me, another example of Christians who actually don't understand their own faith, and don't understand that Christianity does not have 'thou shalts' or 'thou shalt nots' over dress, diet etc.  To be fair, unlike the people who get hoity toity over the wearing of crosses, she does at least have a scriptural mandate - but does she wear a poly-cotton nurses uniform or other clothes anyway?  I mean, that would be out, as mixed fibres are prohibited too.  Does she eat prawn sandwiches.  Does she work on Saturdays (or Sundays).  Would she want to exclude from service in the church a person whose eyesight was weak, or who had certain physical disabilities, as the law codes demand?

    I am sure she is a very devout and caring woman, and it isn't really her I blame, but those parts of the church that espouse selective, unthinking literalism.  Given that in Moses' day we seem to think everyone wore dresses, maybe trousers are exempt any way? ;-)

    And of course it is actually part of the legacy of the early Christian Missions that tried to supplant indigenous culture with white middle-class morality and norms... the white west has shifted its thinking and gets uppity when other now Christianised groups practice what we once preached..

    The parallels people draw with the dress codes of Islam and Sikhism are not justified or justifiable - unless or unitl the whole Christian church, or a branch of it, agrees a mandatory dress code.  Quite frankly that ain't going to happen.

    I recall many years ago reading the biography of Gladys Aylward (I think) who was asked at interview how she would work within the non-Christian home to which she was originally sent to care for children.  She replied that she would tell the children gospel stories at bed-time.  No, she was told, you must do your job  to the very best of your ability and that will do the speaking for you.  I've a suspicion that mission board knew a thing or two worth recalling...

    And lastly, it always disturbs me when Christians resort to suing and claiming their rights... didn't some first century bloke say something about turning the other cheek...

  • Hey Everybody Look at Me!


    Not yet ready to pose properly but here she is: introducing Holly

  • A Sphinx with a Swishy Tail

    It's a hard life being a cat, trying to train a new human to understand your requirements... and what's with all this business of being confined to part of the house until you get used to the place?

    Holly arrived last night and has been busy exploring the parts of the house she's been allowed into.  I suspect she's still hoping to find an escape route back 'home' and no way is she going to sit still long enough for me to photograph her.  She has the inscrutible face of the sphinx - and has once or twice adopted a sphinx position - and a very swishy tail!  This morning she deigned to speak to me and even jumped up to let me stroke her (after I'd replaced her vet food with some of her favourite flavour it has to be said).  Training (of me) will no doubt take some time.  Until then she paces, sniffs and now and again relaxes and rolls over onto her back.

    Photos will follow once she feels she has enough control to demean herself to sit still for that long.

    Whilst I'm out working today she will no doubt occupy a window seat and survey her new queendom.

  • Blog Roll Update

    I have added a few new-to-blogroll links in my list of blogs I read regularly.  I haven't deleted any this time, though one or two are as good as defunct and may go next time I update.

    It's good to add more blogs by women, which may reflect the fact that the last year has changed the emphasis of this blog a bit.

    By no means everything I read is on my blogroll.  Some blogs are anonymised or their writers need privacy/protection.  Some blogs are linked to major organisations.  Some are updated very infrequently.  Some are so new I'm waiting to see if they last before I link them.  All of which is to say, if I missed you off, please don't sulk, it's either (a) an oversight or (b) an attempt at being pastoral!

  • Photo Blogs

    For a while now, I have been following Alice's photo blog which, alas does not seem to permit RSS feeds.  With a photo for every entry, it gives a glimpse into Alice's life as she prepares to leave her current employment and head north to go the 'Vicar School' for Baptists in Scotland.  Some nifty camera work and interesting thoughts.

    More recently I discovered Cat Johnson's photo blog which has some simply stunning photographs that really capture a mood or a moment. With grace, humour and wisdom, here is someone living life to the full and making every word, and every moment count.  This one does have RSS feeds.

    Do take a peek at either or both of them if you have a moment, I feel pretty sure you'll find something you enjoy