Yesterday as part of our all age service I invited the congregation to share their best excuses for not going to a party (or event/function) that they didn't want to attend. Although I wrote them on the flip chart at the time (and they may well be on the audio recording of the service) I can't recall them all. But here are a few...
- I'm washing my hair
- I'm on call (one of our medics)
- I've just remembered a funeral (ministerial equivalent of the above)
- My car broke down
- My aunt just arrived
- I've nothing to wear
We had a laugh and it was a good way in to the parable we were looking at about the 'man who gave a party and no-one came'
Earlier in the service I invited people to say who they would like to invite to a party, no-one was off limits. Some of the replies were:
- Bob Geldof
- Take That (shows our age!)
- Nelson Mandela
- Hilary Clinton
- Petra Kvitova
- Family
- Friends
- Neighbours
We then heard a parable and were invited to amend the list to add people Jesus would invite. Some of the replies were:
- Homeless people
- Asylum seekers
- People with drink and drug dependencies
- People with HIV/AIDs
- Sadam Hussein (that caused a few intakes of breath!)
I think we had a pretty good time together, culminating in sharing communion imagined as a 'party' for Passover.
Two questions were left with people to ponder...
Based on the Luke banquet parable, suppose you gave a party and no-one came, what would you do? What does this say about church life?
Based on the Matthew wise and foolish girls, on whom do we slam the door because we judge them 'not ready'? What does this say about church life?
I had fun anyway. Next week it is stories (or at least one liners) about treasure.