Many of you, I know, have been following Annie's blog for a while now, and may know that she has her appointment at Christie's (Manchester Cancer Centre) this coming Friday.
You may have spotted from her blog that she loves cups 'n' saucers. So here's a thought... most, if not all of us, own some cups 'n' saucers and at some point between now and Friday could use one of them, rather than a mug, for our coffee/tea. And as we drink that cuppa, we could offer a prayer for Annie, and for others on our hearts who are facing incredible challenges of many kinds.
A nice Fairtrade cuppa in a nice cup and a quick (or slow) prayer... what d'you reckon?
A young priest once approached the bishop very worried. "Bishop," he said anxiously, "is it permitted to drink tea whilst I'm praying?" The bishop looked thoughtful, frowned, smiled, and then said, "I'm not sure, but it's certainly permissible to pray whilst drinking tea."