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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 725

  • Normal Service?

    I'm not absolutely sure what 'normal' is meant to look like - there was the 'old normal' which was, as one might term it B.C. (before cancer), and the 'new normal' which has been the case these past few months, with daily posts on anything or nothing to demonstrate that I am still OK, D.T. (during treatment), perhaps?!  So now, as I move on to a 'new, new normal' in what I hope becomes perpeutual N.E.D. (no evidence of disease, official designation) it feels like it is time this blog began to move along too.

    For the time being at least, it will continue to carry its links to cancer websites - I cannot turn back time and not be a '1 in 3' or a '1 in 8' (or a '1 in 5' of a '1 in 5' of a '1 in 8' or whatever it actually works out as), so normal has to include some ongoing recognition of that.  There will also continue to be some posts relating directly to the zapping (No 10 of 25 this morning) and ongoing treatement/followup.  But inevitably, and rightly, the emphasis will shift.

    Over the last few weeks I have often found myself thinking 'well, what on earth can I write about today' as life has been very quiet, and the routine walk to the nuking chamber doesn't make very entertaining reading.  Just by way of mild amusement, this morning the muzak was 'I Want to Break Free' followed by 'Life is a Roller Coaster.'  Being fixed to a device that wouldn't look out of place in a medieval torture chamber, the former had a nice irony; the latter is a reflection of reality and, spookily, a reference I was contemplating using in this Sunday's sermon.

    So, what will 'normal service' look like?  Possibly less posts - that is, there may be days when I don't post as I have nothing to say, and there may be periods of blog-silence other than for holidays.  A lot more about church life, more bits of half-baked theology or things that amuse me.  And, in time, some more overtly reflective stuff about this whole long distance walk up a mountainn, through a forest, across a river, and how it has impacted my thinking, being, faithing (if there is such a word) and so on.

    It's great to be back at work - trying to be good and take things slowly - and normal service is being resumed, as much as possible.

  • The Mysteries of Train Pricing

    I have just booked some tickets for my train journeys to attend the BUGB WiM day.  It is slightly complicated by the fact that I am staying overnight at either end of the event with different people (my first foray out of Glasgow and its immediate environs in more than 8 months!) so I needed two distinct journeys.  I dutifully typed my stations into the ticket booking site and up popped prices... £92 odd one way and £105 odd the other.  Scandalous, I thought (even if church, not me is paying) so I looked at how the journeys broke down, based on the changes (and the fact that the tickets prices wouldn't allow me to switch trains  anyway).  Simply by taking the same journeys in distinct chunks, picking the trains I'd have to change to along the way, and making part of it a return journey composed of two singles at a price lower than they would have been separately (don't ask me, I don't get it either!) I have managed to 'save' around £70.  That is plain old fashioned nuts - it's not as if I'm trying anything clever like the thing where you don't even get off the train, I'm just paying for each chunk on its own.

    So here's the thing... where does that extra £70 go?  Hmmmm.

    Anyway, hopefully it'll earn me a few Treasurer brownie points...

  • Stations of the Resurrection

    Yesterday evening most of the regulars gathered at the local C of S for our shared service.  It was a very imaginatively enacted Stations of the Resurrection - a lesser known and lesser practised meditation to complement the better known and more overtly Roman Stations of the Cross.

    It was done simply but beautifully, and was an embodied journey through stories of the resurrection across the gospels.  At some points we sang, but mostly we listened and imagined...

    • The church garden: Mark 16: 1 - 8
    • The church steps (it is a very fine, porticoed entrance with lots of steps and tall columns): Matthew 28:11 - 15
    • The sanctuary, around the table, where we shared bread and wine: Luke 24: 13 - 27 then, after a hymn, 28 - 35
    • An upper room, with the door closed: John 20: 19 - 25
    • A hall, arranged with blue cloth and sea-washed pebbles, where we ate bread and fish: John 21: 1 - 14
    • A connecting room, close to the exit of the building: John 21: 15 - 19

    By no means every church has the facilities to create the spaces that we experienced, yet most could find spaces and places to create a hint of the various scenes.

    It was a special end to a special day.  Thank you D and all at Duke's Boot Church (naff masking but I can't think of anything better just now)

    Today, having been zapped I propose to zzzzzzzz - or at least blob - after a full and fulfilling weekend.

  • Gathering Together Unto Him

    What a wonderful Easter Sunday at the Gathering Place - full to overflowing (we had a full row of people on the 'upper deck' and a debate as to whether those were the cheap or expensive seats!), full of colour, full of music, full of laughter and full of love. Woo hoo!  A great celebration of Resurrection.

    002.JPGHere is the table set for breakfast.  We feasted on bacon rolls (or vegan alternatives), assorted cheeses and preserves.  Then we remembered the story behind the gathering, the meal in the upper room, and we shared in a simple communion.

    Around twenty of us at 8:30 on a Sunday morning, sharing laughter and food, sharing a moment of holy remembering.

    It was good.












    Then at 11 we began our all age act of celebration worship.  Our African students arrived resplendent in national dress.  A number of visitors found their way into our midst.  We had an almost complete contingent of children (I think only three  away) the perverse benefit of those school systems that have moved to standardised terms.  We had a trumpeter, a cellist a clarinetist and an African drummer (player of African drums, who happened to be African).

    We thought about Easter customs, we heard the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, we played 'spot the difference', we heard the story of Mary coming to the garden (from John 20) and then whilst the children created the most amazing butterly collage, the adults pondered Easter sees everything 'the same but different.'  After a rousing rendition of 'Thine be the Glory' (proper words edition!) and some piano music we were treated to some spontaneous African drumming in celebration of resurrection.

    Truly a day of blessing for me. 


  • Easter Sunday

    Surrexit Christus!  Alleluia!


    Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son,

    Endless is the victory Thou o'er death hast won.