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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 743

  • For Fun... Dull Sermons

    I lent my copy of this little book to one of my choir last year - and last I knew it was still making its way round the choir...

    Dull sermon book.jpgInterpret as you will! 

    Later editions are available.

    So this one from Archdruid Eileen amused me.

    All of which reminds me of the joke I first heard way back in the 1970's and which still crops up from time to time...

    A minister was being shown the new church building, equipped with every modern gadget.  As he (it was the 1970's afterall) walked into the worship space he noticed there were no seats, and commented on this.  The steward pressed a button and up popped a row of seats right at the front of the church.  The steward explained that until this row was filled no more seats would appear but, once it was, this row would glide backwards and a new row would appear in front of it.  So it went on... devices to ensure good singing, good coffee, etc. etc.

    Finally the minister approached the lectern/pulpit.  It was fully adjustable for height, had plenty of space for his papers and Bible; overhead was an illuminated sign that flashed 'listen' as he began to speak.  Wow, he said, this is marvellous.  Ah yes, said the steward but the best bit is the auto-timer... if the sermon exceeds twenty minutes a trapdoor opens and the preacher disappears...

    I'm sure others tell it better but it still makes me smile.

  • AEDJ - Lessons in Patience and Concentration

    002.JPGI have just started - well spent I guess around four hours on - the jigsaw shown here.  Lent to me by AE it is a Devilish Jigsaw, hence AEDJ.

    It seems to me there are only two ways to do this jigsaw...

    1.  The 'happy accident' - toss all the pieces in the air and hope the 1 in 1000! (one thousand factorial) chance that it comes out with the pieces in the right order happens.

    2. 'Sift and sort' and systematically build.  Slow and steady.  So far I have 'built' all the 'oranges' using this method and am now taking a break before deciding what to focus on next.

    The good thing is that when someone sent me a link for a lengthy legal ruling I had concentration and focus enough to read and make sense of it (well until I realised it was really long so I skipped to the end to see what the punchline was!).

    So, thank you AE and others who have set me various OT (Occupational Therapy) type challenges to get my mind working again.

  • What Kind of God (... and so what?)

    Last Sunday's guest preacher reminded us that the stories in the Bible give us hints and glimpses of God's nature.  The stories of Abraham, David, Moses, Ruth, Esther, Sarah, Martha, Mary, Peter, Thomas and so on all tell us something about the God who we, as Christians, claim is all-loving.

    Rob Bell, perhaps best known for the Nooma videos used by many, many churches, has, it seems been causing controversy by asking questions about how evangelical Christians understand God and how this relates to notions of heaven, hell, orthodoxy and heresy.  You can see the video that is getting him into hot water (or is that hot flames?) in some circles here.

    Bell's new book 'Love Wins' comes out shortly and I have pre-ordered it.  I am looking forward to seeing what Bell really says - rather than what the critics think he might have said.  I recall the furore in some circles when Steve Chalke dared to question penal substitution as the only valid understanding of the cross; it seems Bell might be causing similar stirs across the pond.

    The big question - what kind of God - has to have the 'so what.'  Whether or not people agree with what Bell concludes, he is asking important questions, and doing so publicly; for that I am grateful.

    A couple of articles here and here and here.  See what you think... and I won't call you a heretic whatever you decide!!

  • Stealing a Laugh

    HT Nick Lear, for this joke which made me chuckle enough to hurt my scars...

    One Sunday morning, the minister told the congregation that he was going to say a series of words, and he wanted them to sing the song that came to mind, when he said each word. 

    The first word he said was 'rock' They immediately started singing 'Rock of Ages.' 

    The second word he said was 'name' and they sang 'Lord, I lift your name on high.' 

    The third word was 'cross' and they began singing 'The Old Rugged Cross.'


    The fourth word he said was 'eyes' and they sang, 'Open the eyes of my heart, Lord.'


    Finally, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, the Minister said, "Sex". Everyone gasped and then it got very quiet. Finally, way in the back of the church an 87 yr old lady stood up and started gently singing, "Memories."
    (Apologies about formatting it got mangled in transition)
  • Reach!

    wall climbing.jpgNot sure how well this shows up, but it is the part of my hall wall where I do my daily 'wall climbing' exercise.  Since I began this exercise on 17th Feb, I have increased my reach by almost 8" (20 cm), sometimes in big steps, other times not at all.  There is still a good way to go for my right arm to match my left, but progress is good and it is satisfying to see the lines moving higher up the wall (hopefully they'll rub off after this is finished!)

    As I was measuring the increase this morning, I found the old S Club 7 song 'Reach!' coming into my mind:

    Reach for the stars
    Climb every mountain higher
    Reach for the stars
    Follow your hearts desire
    Reach for the stars
    And when that rainbow's shining over you
    That's when your dreams will all come true


    Many moons ago, when I was at vicar school, we ran a holiday for underprivileged children.  This was technically a Methodist initiative dating back, I think, to Victorian times.  Each year we had a Biblical theme of some sort, and the second year I was involved (2001) the S Club 7 song seemed to find its way in, though I can't recall how!  One of the aims of the holiday was to say to these children, who knew hardship and who lacked the opportunities many of us took for granted, that they were 'worth it' and that they could, indeed, 'reach for the stars.'

    These children were aged 7 to 11, so a decade on they will all be grown up.  Some of them may already be parents; some of them may have remained trapped in the cycles of poverty, addiction or violence that permeated the areas where they lived.  But just maybe there is a young man or a young woman out there who is 'following their hearts desire' as an indirect result of that week a decade ago.

    BMS plaque.jpgNext to my daily 'wall climbing' marks hangs this little plaque I made in 2004 to commemorate the visit of a BMS Action Team to Dibley BC.

    The week these young people spent with the church, coinciding as it happens with the insurance inspector's visit, was a significant 'moment' in the life of the church and my ministry within it.  Four young people, aged 19 to 25, who had spent a year in Uganda following their hearts and their Lord as they worked with BMS.  One of them is now a youth minister in London, one of them became a BMS mission partner, two of them have disappeared off my radar totally.

    I think this morning I am reminded of the way that little things mean a lot; that holiday clubs and camps and focus weeks can have lasting impacts beyond anything we can measure.  Maybe sometimes that week will see a big 'leap' change in someone's life; maybe sometimes it will be a 'pause' before they move on; maybe it will just be one more steady step on an ongoing journey... a bit like the marks on my wall really.  Big or small, they all matter and all contribute to a bigger story... so reach!