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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 846

  • Apropos of Nothing Whatsoever

    This random, mischievous and stupid, thought was prompted by an email that arrived this morning regarding something that could be mentioned in the intimations (notices) and put on the noticeboard at church.

    The thought...

    Should Scottish churches re-brand their noticeboards as 'intimation boards'?! ;-)

  • Why Visit my Blog?

    Now and then I check the stats aggregated by my blog-platform to see what brings people to this corner of blogland.  Apart from references to cartoon characters, news events or television programmes, it seems that bits of liturgy are the most popular.  Much of what I have posted in this genre is a response to the dearth of stuff I've found in my own searches.  Whether people find my prayers helpful, or reflections on Bible passages useful, I have no idea.  This month the 'big hits' have been funerals, mother's day, fairtrade and assorted Easter bits.  So, if that's what brought you here, thank you for visiting, I hope it has been of some use.  And if you are one of my loyal long-suffering readers, then thank you for that too - without you this would be a less fun exercise.

  • Holy Week in Real Time

    If you are in the Eastern Baptist Association (BUGB) or have links with Church from Scratch or are a Gatherer then it is possible that you might like to participate in a new venture this Holy Week.  'Jesus Live Time' is an interesting experiment whereby you can sign up to receive the Holy Week/Easter story in 'real time' in 30 text messages (is that meant to match the 30 pieces of silver?) absolutley free because the cost is being met by the participating churches.  If it goes well, then next year their hope is to do something linking with GRF (a Glasgow-based Christian radio company) - which is why we know about it.  So, if you are a Gatherer and interested, I can tell you how to connect ('spaces' are limited hence I'm not giving 'open house' at this stage)... but please only check your texts if it is safe and legal so to do.

    Jesus Live Time is being led by such great folk as Juliet Kilpin and Peter Dominey so I'm sure it'll be fantastic.

    When 'Sing Christmas' began, Dibley was one of the first churches involved; five years on it is a very big East Midlands outreach event. It'd be great if this new initiaitve could make Easter loom much larger in people's lives and inspire more interest in what Christianity is all about.

  • Hebrew Midwives?

    Just a quick post today as Holy Week preparations are keeping me pleasantly busy.

    At last night's Lent Meeting both small groups asked the same question - were the Hebrew midwives of Exodus 2 Hebrew or Egyptian?  I must admit I've always understood them to have been Hebrew but I guess it is plausible they were Egyptian midwives-to-the-Hebrews.  Having done no Hebrew at all, the limit of my check with the interlinear confirms mention of their Hebrew label but not what it means.

    From the context I reckon they were racially Hebrew, but maybe, grammatically, another reading is plausible?  So, can anyone who reads Hebrew out there enlighten me/us?

  • Things That Make You Go 'Hmm' - Sermon Titles

    So, it was back at the end of last year I put together a preaching plan up as far as Easter and plucked, effectivley out of thin air, a provisional title for my Easter Sunday service.  A perfectly serviceable title, an eminently suitable title, but one I had no clue whether it would work when the time came.  Then today I sat down to read the lectionary Psalm for Easter Sunday and there was a verse almost verbatim to my title.  Hmm!