I have a confession to make - I actually like Christmas carols. Some of what some of them say is not the greatest theology nor yet the finest of poetry, but they do seem to have the ability to move people to some kind of repsonse, at least for a few moments. Among the few, in regular use, I cannot abide, is 'Away in a Manger' yet when I see a group of 90+ year olds sing it, it does manage to bring a lump even my cynical throat.
For some reason today I found myself recalling some of those dire things written in the 1970s (?) we sang in the school choir that thankfully have fallen from use. Does anyone else recall the 'Cowboy Carol' with its relentless 'bing-a-bing-bang-bong' at the end of each line, and that deeply meaningful chorus 'yoi yippee, we're gonna ride the trail, yoi yippee, we're gonna ride today, when I climb up to my saddle, gonna take him to my he-a-r-t... there'll be a new world beginning from tonight!'
Maybe you loved this carol and it worked for you. Maybe there are others, in use or not, that drove/drive you nutty. Anyone want to share their best or worst?