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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 151

  • Jesus Grows Up... Toys and Games

    This morning we began a short series of services following the story of Jesus as he grows up - well the hints and glimpses we get from Luke's gospel anyway.

    Today we thought about the toys and games we enjoy, and how they compare with those Jesus may have known.

    I was chuffed when the suggestions offered were all toys and games that have no need of batteries, electricity or screens... a small boy mentioned his toy fire engine, an adult a dolls house made by her father, now being enjoyed by a third generation, another adult, now an internationally respected research scientist recalled a chemistry set.  Tree climbing, hide and seek, races, chase and games of make believe all featured as pass times we enjoy - and these would have been popular among Jesus' contemporaries.

    We imagined him falling over and running to Mary with a scraped knee, or earning a stern look when he returned late for his tea after having fun with his friends.  Of course I have no evidence for either of these, but if Jesus was fully human, then surely he would have experienced such things.

    Next week we will move on to take a look at first century education... which has also been fun to research!

  • Four Years - Or Half a Lifetime...

    On 13th January 2015 Sophie and Sasha took up their role as Manse Moggies, aged 4 and 3 respectively.   Four years have flown by, they weigh almost double what they did then (oops) and it's hard to imagine there was a time without them.

    Now they have been lived in their furrever home longer than the dark days of being kept as kitten making machines.

    It is scary to compare the skinny little things they were then with the big blobs they are now - and it is a delight to watch how well they cope with the regular throughput of visitors.

    Happy 'Gotcha Day', as these things now seem to be termed, to the Clepto Kitties... and here's to many, many more.

  • Unexpected Blessing

    I was so tempted to postpone today's Bible Study - most of our Iranians were unable to come and I was tired.  But I didn't, it would have been unfair on those who had committed time and effort to prepare material.

    And in the end we had an amazing conversation about British Christian funeral rites and how they compare with those of Iranian Muslims.

    Such a privilege and pleasure to talk about what we do, how it varies, and where some of our customs originate.

    I'm still tired, but it is a nicer kind of tired!

  • Remembering Miss A

    Following on from yesterday's post about Uni Chapel prayers, and because I have seen posts and tweets staing her name from others who knew her...

    This week Miss Irene Allan died peacefully after short illness, just shy of her 101st birthday. Hers was a long and full life, lived in the service of the Lord. Her heart for the least and the lost never once wavered, and it's fair to say that many of her 'My Men' owe their lives to her dedicated and determined endeavours. Her zest for life and unique ability to hold in tension utter theological contradictions were, to the very end, inspirational. It is fair to say that she was a legend in her own lifetime.

    When I was about to start my cancer treamtent, Irene said to me 'you will go through this like a ship in full sail,' and somewhere I still have the scrap of paper with the verse of scripture she handed me. I certainly was the annoying wotsit who worked all through treatment, and to this day I am complimented on my 'lovely veins,' 'beautiful scars,' and 'skin you would never know had been irradiated', so I guess she was right!

    Irene was never fully reconciled to the ordination of women, but she made an exception for me. I loved her and I will miss her.

  • God's Promises...

    Leading Uni Chapel Prayers today. The reading was Isaiah 65: 17-end. As I read out to the congregation the beautiful words of promise, this verse struck me deeply...

    "the one who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child"

    Remembering with gratitude and love the inimitable Miss A who died this week aged 100 years and 11 months young. Rest in peace and rise in glory.

    "Forever young" as the song says.