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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 326

  • That was just lovely!

    Today has been very busy, and mostly very lovely. 

    Apart from emergency IT stuff ( a software download broke Windows 10 on the church computer and a lot of time was spent trying to fic it before I opted for a reinstall...) and the quick early lunch that turned into a saga, everything has been just lovely.

    All good to go for the Community Lunch tomorrow, tables laid, decorations done, food prep prepped.  And a simply lovely Christingle afternoon, well attended and with brilliant participation.  Children, parents and grandparents... new symbolism imagined and created (and why not) for the Christingle elements... a story about a shepherd girl who met baby Jesus... and just a lovely atmosphere.

    Now all my prep work is done and I am looking forward to a relatively early night!  Christmas is a manic time for ministers, but I absolutely love it.

  • #Advent Challenge Day 24

    We did it!  The last day of challenges already.

    I could feel a teensy bit smug as today (and tomorrow) already cover all three of these.  Perhaps for me the real challenge is the fifteen minutes proper chill time!!  Which will you choose? 

      Dear Catriona

    So, it’s one night to go till the big day! Today might consist of wrapping up the last of the presents, packing the car ready for the trip to see friends/family, or maybe you’ll be sitting back taking in the best of Christmas Eve television.

    One story in the Bible reminds us that amid preparation, creating the perfect meal comes second to quality time with Jesus. So amidst all the planning, create some space to rest and remember what Christmas is all about.


    Offer to spend some time with someone who might be alone
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    Put your feet up for 15 minutes, without distractions!
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    Take time to enjoy the people around you
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    A view from the Bible

    "As Jesus and his disciples went on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha welcomed him in her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat down at the feet of the Lord and listened to his teaching..."

    Read more: Luke 10: 38-42

  • The Lull Before...

    One of my best loved tasks - the final preparations for the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services.  A couple of hours wrapping oranges in red sticky tape, adding foil drip catchers to candles, double checking the quantities of cocktail sticks and sweets...

    And the final preparations for Christmas morning - service sheets printed, props prepared, reflection as reflected as it's going to get...

    And then a brief respite... a short time to sit back and smile, to savour the moment before the inevitable last minute rush of other things still be done ready for the Christmas Day community lunch (expecting 40-50 guests!) phone calls still to make and emails to be sent.

    Hopefully those who share our services will be blessed with a sprinkling of angel dust (the holy variety of fairy dust) and enabled to delight in the mystery we celebrate.

  • #Advent Challenge - My Five Minute Gratitude List

    In no particular order, except the one in which they popped into my head...

    Happy memories
    Sophie and Sasha
    Cats in general
    The NHS in all its forms
    Good health
    My cats' vet
    A safe, warm home where most things work most of the time
    My church - the people
    Democracy, for all its flaws
    Christianity for all its flaws and foibles
    The internet
    Social media
    The Royal Mail, and for posties who deliver at all hours this time of year
    Vision - and for glasses and opticians
    A comfy bed to sleep in
    The people who believe in me when I don't believe in myself
    Colouring books and jigsaws
    Novels and, indeed, all books - and the people who taught me to read
    Hills, mountains and lakes - and the joy of hiking/walking
    Clean water
    Hot water at the turn of a tap
    My red duffle coat
    Music and singing
    Cuddly toys

    Time's up - that flew by... must do more as the day goes on, but not here!

  • #Advent Challenge Day 23

    Today's challenge focusses a bit on attitudes and gratitude.  I chose the 'list of things you are grateful for' (don't tell the grammar police!) and in a separate post I'll add my five minute list (I could have spent all day but of course I don't have all day free!

      Dear Catriona

    If marketing experts are right, you will have seen around 5,680 adverts since you started #AdventChallenge. That’s a lot! You might have friends and family who’ll be getting more than you can afford this year.

    Comparison robs us of enjoying the things we already have, and – more importantly – the people around us. The Bible talks of the wonder of a peaceful heart and the destructive power of jealousy. Don’t let comparison steal your joy this Christmas!


    Write a list of all the things you’re grateful for
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    Throw out any Christmas catalogues before the big day
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    Text ‘Supplies’ to 70500 and donate £5 to our team in South Sudan providing food, clean water and Bibles to victims of war. If you don’t want Bible Society to contact you by phone in future, add the words NO INFO to your text. View our full terms and conditions.
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    A view from the Bible

    "Peace of mind makes the body healthy, but jealousy is like a cancer."