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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 329

  • #Advent Challenge Day 17

    Oops, forgot to upload this earlier... was too busy with other things! And being busy took the easy option of text donation.

    Dear Catriona

    In a world of plenty, many still face a daily struggle just to get by. In England alone, the number of people sleeping rough has risen by at least 55% since 2010.

    Poverty and inequality isn’t a new phenomenon. In fact, even some of the earliest-written parts of the Bible talk about caring for those in need.

    Select your challenge!


    Buy a blanket or some food and drink for someone sleeping rough
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    Take time to talk to someone sleeping rough
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    Text ‘Hamper’ to 70500 to donate £5 and help give a food hamper and Bible stories to a UK family living in poverty this Christmas. If you don’t want Bible Society to contact you by phone in future, add the words NO INFO to your text. View our full terms and conditions.
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    A view from the Bible

    "Defend the rights of the poor and the orphans; be fair to the needy and the helpless."

    Psalm 82.3

  • #Advent Challenge Day 16

    Nice easy ones today, and one that I was planning to do anyway, so maybe I'll take on two!  See what you think:

    Dear Catriona

    It’s easy to go through life and take for granted the things that make our life just that little bit easier. It could be the bus driver that takes you into town, or the childminder who looks after the children.

    Whoever it is, how many times have you actually thanked them for what they do? In the Bible, Paul often starts his letters by thanking God for those he has met.

    So, who will you engage with today?


    Give a Christmas card to a shop or business you regularly use
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    Thank someone for whom you’re really grateful
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    Get to know someone who provides a service to you
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    A view from the Bible

    "I have not stopped giving thanks to God for you. I remember you in my prayers"

    Ephesians 1.16

  • Lessons and Carols 2015

    Five years ago, I saw a lot of the inside of the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre as a patient.  Since then I've seen a fair deal more of it as a friend, as a volunteer, and as a minister.  Over that time, what was once the ubiquitous 'friends of' chairty has emerged, butterfly like, as the Beatson Cancer Charity and is combining the challenge of on the ground support - from free drinks in waiting rooms, to complimentary complementary therapies and more - with fundraising for research at the Beatson Institute.  I know oodles of people who have been treated at the Beatson, several who work, or have worked, there, and one employed by the charity.

    So I am very thrilled that our joint serives of lesson and carols on Sunday will include a retiring offering for this charity.

    I realise that if you are reading this in Auckland, NZ or Northampton, England, or somewhere else not Glasgow you can't come.  But if you are in or near Glasgow and have nothing else planned, please do come along, sing some traditional carols, listen to adult and children's choirs, hear the old old story, and have some fun.  And maybe bring a friend or neighbour too...


    Lesson & Carols

    Wellington Church of Scotland

    Corner of Southpark Ave and University Ave


    Sunday 20th Dec 7 p.m.

  • #Advent Challenge Day 15

    Today's choices are a bit odd (in my opinion) ... when I had a car I was a courtesous driver who let people in/out; when I do cook it is from scratch - and when I use ready meals I don't call it cooking!  So my only option today is the long queue of any shops I may be in... which probably means I have to go to the mini tesco at lunchtime as anywhere else someone will be lurking to monitor the queues and call out "first in here" to minimise wait times.  It's either that or the very inefficient post office (won't say which of three possibles that might be!!)

    Dear Catriona

    Patience – something that can be hard to find sometimes! We all find ourselves in situations where our patience is tested. At times we look for shortcuts, try to force things to happen or just give up.

    The Bible tells us that, even before Jesus was born, God had promised that he would come to earth. This meant that not only one person had to be patient, but whole generations!

    How can you develop your patience today?


    Join the longest queue at the shop checkout
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    When given an opportunity, let other drivers out in front of you
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    Cook a meal from scratch
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    A view from the Bible

    "May you be made strong with all the strength which comes from his glorious power, so that you may be able to endure everything with patience..."

    Read more: Colossians 1.11

  • #Advent Challenge Day 14

    Today I have the opportunity to make yesterday's wishful thinking a step nearer to reality... I'll empty my purse into a charity donation to one of the organisiations researching a cure for cancers.  Not everyone can afford to give away their money, but the other options are not without challenge.


    Dear Catriona

    We can all be nice and do good things. But how much do we put ourselves out to help others? Christmas is the celebration of God’s generosity to us in sending his son, Jesus.

    God’s love for us is so great that he held nothing back.

    So how can you be generous today, holding nothing back?


    Be generous with your time
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    Give whatever is in your wallet (don’t look!) to charity
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    Reach out to a neighbour that you don’t necessarily see eye to eye with
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    A view from the Bible

    "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life."

    John 3.16