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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 333

  • #AdventChallenge Day 5

    Yesterday's attempt to be more smiley stalled when confronted with sight-reading tunes to hymns I didn't know in keys I find tricky!  So hopefully today, if only by means of a cheesy quote, I'll be more successful in my endeavours to be encouraging!


      Dear Catriona

    Have you ever stopped to think how much difference we can make to others in the way we talk? On average, women speak 20,000 words a day, and men 7,000 – think of the effect you could have if you choose to use those words positively!

    The Bible talks about the power of our words, either to build up or break down. Let’s use them for good!

    So, which challenge will you choose today?


    Find a way to encourage someone today
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    Write a note to someone you rarely see
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    Text ‘School’ and your postcode to 70500 for info on telling Bible stories in primary schools One of our team will call you with more info in the New Year! If you don’t want Bible Society to contact you by phone in future, add the words NO INFO to your text. View our full terms and conditions.
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    A view from the Bible

    "Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."

    Ephesians 4.29

  • ALTERnativity - catching up!

    I said I'd be posting links for ALTERnativity, and I'm already running four days behind.

    Really recommend you take a look - accessible, meaningful reflections for each day on their blog and Christmas stories old and new.

    This week we have already been invited to reflect on...

    December 1 - World AIDS day

    December 2 - International  day for the abolition of slavery

    December 3 - International day of people with disability

    Important themes and worth exploring.

    And a sideways link - to the Inclusive Church Advent calendar which I used last year, and which is worth considering if you aren't already comitted to something else, and which picks some themes similar to ALTERnativity

  • #AdventChallenge Day 4

    I begin with a confession... even before today's challenge landed, I had decided I would choose one that did not cost any money today as I have several things coming up that will cost quite a lot.  So I was very relieved to find three challenges that cost zero and actually are, for me anyway, not too demanding.

    I opted for 'smile more' partly because I'm aware that I am quite often quite grumpy these days, and partly because it reminded me of a time when my college tutor, having heard me preach in my placement, observed that I hadn't smiled once, which he considered unusual, before noting effectively that the preacher's face becomes as that of Christ for the hearer (yikes!) and if that is always stern....

    So today, without becoming a grinning idiot, I'll try to be a bit more smiley!

    Sometimes it’s easy to think that to make a difference to someone, you have to do something really big and grand. But it’s not all about big gestures. Sometimes even the smallest thing can make a difference.

    There are countless examples in the Bible of how God has used just a small offering to create a big impact – like the packed lunch that fed thousands. A small offering can go much further than we think!

    What will you commit to doing today?


    1 Hold the door open for someone
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    2 Be quick to reply to text messages and emails
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    Smile more!
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    A view from the Bible

    “There is a boy here who has five loaves of barley bread and two fish. But they will certainly not be enough for all these people.” Read more... John 6.9-14

  • Spirituality and Cancer: Christian Encounters

    This arrived by post today, all the way from New Zealand... with my name on a yellow ribbon bound round the book, such a lovely gesture.

    It's strange looking back, recalling just how hard it was to write my chapter.  Hard not emotionally or spiritually, but in terms for concentration, mental capacity, endless searches for words, long term chemo-brain, other drug side effects etc. etc.  I still find concentrating hard, l still forget words and ideas, still sometimes stare at the computer screen with an empty head and wonder how on earth I will get a service constructed by Sunday.

    I feel very privileged to have contributed to this book, and am humbled and pleased by the comments on my contribution made by the theologian whose short reflection closes the book (see photo below)

    comments 1.jpg


  • #AdventChallenge Day 3

    Today's focus is environmental, two recycling options, and one to give a tree as a gift.  I chose the last of these, and someone will be receiving a certificate dedicating a (rowan?) tree at Lang Crags, West Dunbartonshire, the nearest Woodland Trust place to where I live.

    If you fancy giving a tree as a gift, then Woodland Trust is great, with loads of venues UK-wide.  Also if you are in juxta-Dibley and reading this, check out National Forest where you can actually go and plant your own tree!


    Here's today's challenge


    You don’t need to watch or read the news for long before you see an item about climate change or other environmental challenges that are facing the world today.

    The Bible talks of a creator God who loves the earth and wants us to look after it. What can we do today to live up to that responsibility?

    Click on your challenge below and don't forget, you can join in the fun on Twitter using #AdventChallenge!


    1 Recycle as much as you can today
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    2 Buy recycled wrapping paper
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    3 Give a tree as a Christmas gift
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    A view from the Bible

    "Then the LORD God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it." Read more... Genesis 2.15