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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 332

  • #AdventChallenge Day 8

    Not sure what has happened today - no email 'ping' in my inbox at 7 a.m., or even now fifteen minutes later!

    So manually typing in the challenges today!!...


    Provide food to a foodbank




    Invite someone round for a meal



    Text 'HAMPER' to 70500 to donate £5 and help give a food hamper and Bible stories to a UK family living in poverty this Christmas.


    I opted for the first one, which I do anyway, have already done a fair bit of inviting folk round for meals and am invlved in a Christmas Day lunch for all comers, so not really too much challenge in these today..


  • #AdventChallenge Day 7

    Three lovely challenges today - compliments, treats and gratitude.

    Today is just slightly bonkers in my world... man arriving to repair two ceilings in the manse and redecorate the bathrooms (which are currently so BRIGHT they are a shock at 6 a.m.!).  The kitties have their annual check-up and jabbing at the V.E.T..  I need to pop in to my GP to order a prescription.  I have to buy stamps for my myriad Christmas cards.  I am due to have tea with a theolgian and then to share in an evenign of reflection.  So loads of people to say 'thank you' to, which is the option I chose.  And lots of more general gratitude.

    Dear Catriona

    Everyone likes a compliment, right? It’s good to be supportive and encouraging of one another, and sometimes just a small gesture can make a big difference.

    In the same way, the Bible explains how we can take confidence and encouragement from God.

    See what you can do today!


    Compliment as many people as you can today
    Accept challenge >


    Take some treats into work for your colleagues
    Accept challenge >


    Thank someone who has helped you out over the last year
    Accept challenge >


    A view from the Bible

    "Kind words are like honey — sweet to the taste and good for your health."

    Proverbs 16:24

  • Advent 2... Giving Gifts

    This morning's service included an opportunity to bring gifts for the Salvation Army appeal supporting families affected by poverty in our city.  I love that the stewards plonked the offering bags in amongst the gifts.  I love that by the time I took the photo, after worship, the table bore the remains of our monthly communion service.  I love most of all that The Gatherers gave so generously and so creatively: from toys for tinies to toiletries for teens and everything in between.  I'm always proud of "my" people, and today especially so.

  • #AdventChallenge Day 6

    This challenge fits this eponymous blog quite well... I've agreed to pay for the coffee of the person behind me in the queue... so laong as it's fairly traded, of course!!

    Amused that Bible Society gives us two challenges that potentially involve Sunday trading - just sayin'!!

      Dear Catriona

    In a world where so much points to ‘me’ and ‘what I want’, when was the last time you went out of your way to help someone else?

    It can be hard to strike the right balance, but the Bible encourages us to ‘help carry one another’s burdens’. Who can you get alongside today?

    Select one of today's challenge!


    Offer to babysit for someone
    Accept challenge >


    Do the shopping for an elderly neighbour
    Accept challenge >


    Pay for the coffee for the person behind you in the coffee queue
    Accept challenge >


    A view from the Bible

    "Help to carry one another's burdens, and in this way you will obey the law of Christ."

    Galatians 6.2

  • Christmas Listening... SmallVOICE

    A quick plug for GRF Christian Radio's SmallVOICE podcast of December 2015.  Always worth a listen.  This month a friend of mine, and of the Gathering Place talks about the wonderful painting above.  There is some lovely contemporary jazz (I don't usually like jazz, but this is simply wonderful) some things to make you chuckles and lots to make you think.

    Check it out here