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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 328

  • Sing a New Song (or three)

    This morning's service went really well, a happy atmosphere and good participation.  One of the many highlights for me was the product of the 'create a carol' activity.  The two folk I'd invited to facilitate had each prepared something up front, and a group of five people created a brand new song in just 20 minutes.  All of them wonderful.

    With their permission, I am sharing their creativity.  If you do decide to use them, please credit them - although not published they are still copyright the authors/church as appropriate.


    Love Looked Up


    Love looked up at Christmas,

    Love bewildered, love divine.

    Love reached out at Christmas,

    Tiny fingers held the sign.


    Worship we the baby,

    Love demanding, love divine,

    Worship we our Jesus,

    Usual chaos, sacred sign.


    Leanne Clelland, Ken Fisher, Freya Edwards, Paul Fraser, Elaine Downie (c) authors and Hillhead Baptist Church


    In The Bleak Midwinter


    In the bleak mid-winter
    Many mums made moan,
    Party clothes need ironed,
    Just one sleep to go;
    Food is cooking, food on food,
    Food on food,
    In the bleak mid-winter
    Not so long to go.

    Santa cannot hold them
    Nor the dads restrain;
    Common sense shall flee away
    Cards will bear the pain:
    In the bleak mid-winter
    No order is too tall
    Place your present order,
    We will buy them all.

    What can I give them,
    Poor as I am?
    If I had a fortune
    would everyone stay calm?
    If I were a wise man
    I’d have a fresh start;
    Give them all that matters -
    Give my heart.

    Leanne Clelland (c) Leanne Clelland


    At Christmas Let's Remember

    To the tune of “THE HOLLY AND THE IVY”


    All the shops are full of goodies

    Ready waiting for our cash

    They don’t want us to be prudent

    They are hoping we’ll be rash




    At Christmas let’s remember

    The coming of that Baby Boy

    Who from that humble stable

    Filled the world with peace and joy



    But will spending make us happy?

    Yet our gifts can bring good

    Perhaps the best gift we can offer

    Is our heart filled with God’s love






    At Christmas let’s remember

    The coming of that Baby Boy

    Who from that humble stable

    Filled the world with peace and joy

    Ken Fisher (c) Ken Fisher

  • Not Another Carol Service...

    Today's all age worship (with zones) for Advent 4... there will be carols and there will be a telling of the birth of Jesus and there will be a reflection and there will be intercessory prayer... but it won't be a traditional carol service (whatever one of those may be).

    In the evening there will be a service of Lessons and Carols, so anyone who feels let down in the morning can come along then and have a lusty sing!

  • #Advent Challenge Day 20

    I have to admit that I am starting to run out of steam for these now!  Today I will choose the 'anonymous gift' one but not quite sure to whom it will be given.

    Most of us aim to make a difference in people’s lives, at least in those close to us. We look for ways to shape other people or situations.

    In the Bible, however, Mary, an unmarried teenage girl finds herself, like so many other Biblical characters, chosen. She doesn’t brag about being chosen by God but receives the honour humbly. What can you do today, without drawing attention to yourself.


    Leave an anonymous gift for someone
    Accept challenge >


    Write an encouraging note to someone – and keep it anonymous
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    Text ‘Gaza’ to 70500 and donate £10 to give a Christmas present to a child living in Gaza. If you don’t want Bible Society to contact you by phone in future, add the words NO INFO to your text. View our full terms and conditions.
    Accept challenge >


    A view from the Bible

    "Mary said, “My heart praises the Lord; my soul is glad because of God my Saviour, for he has remembered me, his lowly servant! From now on all people will call me happy, because of the great things..."

    Read more: Luke 1: 46-55

  • #Advent Challenge Day 18

    I used to have fairly regular 'open house' gatherings but somewhere along the line they dwindled away.  So this is a good challenge for me - and I here and very publicly commit to working my way through the Church Directory next year so that everyone gets at least one invitation to my house...

    Dear Catriona

    So many of the best moments in life are shared with other people. Meeting together around a good meal is a fantastic way to build deeper and more meaningful relationships.

    Hospitality is a central part of relationships, as we invite people to really get to know us in our own homes. On many occasions the Bible encourages us to show hospitality to one another – and not just those that we particularly get along with.

    How can you show hospitality?


    Offer to cook a meal for someone who is unable to cook for themselves
    Accept challenge >


    Open your house to those who you might not normally invite over
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    Commit to inviting people over regularly (at least once a month) next year
    Accept challenge >


    A view from the Bible

    "Above everything, love one another earnestly, because love covers over many sins. Open your homes to each other without complaining. Each one, as a good manager of God's different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gift he has received from God."

    1 Peter 4: 8-10

  • Advent in Narnia

    Our Advent in Narnia series concluded today (I was sorry to miss today's but alas two many plates to spin meant I was elsewhere).

    It has been fun, with good attendances and a lovely atmosphere.  We also raised £70 for the Christian AId CHristmas appeal, which will be matched by the UK Government, so that's pretty good too!