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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 327

  • Gaudete!

    The third Sunday on Advent, the best excuse to listen to Steeleye Span, if one were needed!

    Also for us Sunday School nativity service followed by Sunday School Christmas Party so lots of joy in those.

    And for me it's dress down Sunday as I'm not up front other than briefly, the day I deliver my church Christmas cards (and hope I didn't miss anyone) and a chance to remember, with gratitude the first Christmas Play I ever saw, on 19th December 1968, which was when I  first knowingly encountered the story of God revealed in Christ, and knew, somehow, this story was true...

    What can I give him, poor as I am?
    If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb
    If I were a wise man, I would do my part

    Yet what I can I give him - give my heart

  • #Advent Challenge Day 14

    Three challenges that I'd like to think are part of my everyday life anyway.  But the honest response is to try to treat everyone equally, becuase my best efforts are never quite successful and some end up being more equal than others.

      Dear Catriona

    If you take a look at the world, it doesn’t take long to see injustice. Whether it’s wage inequality, lack of aid to struggling countries or racial discrimination, there’s plenty to show you that life isn't fair. The Bible tells us that God loves justice and hates injustice.

    What difference will you make today?


    Replace one item of your shopping list with a Fairtrade option
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    Treat everyone equally, regardless of who they are
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    Leave a good tip next time you go out for dinner
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    A view from the Bible

    "The LORD says, “I love justice and I hate oppression and crime. I will faithfully reward my people And make an eternal covenant with them."

    Isaiah 61.8

  • #Advent Challenge Day 12

    Half way!

    One of today's challenges is "against my religion" (not Christian or Baptist, mine) - putting up decorations before my birthday.  NO, NO, NO not doing it!

    One that's already been done this week - singing carols. Although regretably I missed the Coffee Club carols and coffee morning, I have sung carols this week.

    So it's the last one, reaching out to others... which actually I am doing every day of Advent in one way or another, but is good to be reminded to do so on a Saturday when I see fewer folk.

    Which do you fancy...?

    Dear Catriona

    You've reached the half way point - well done!

    You know where they are – the houses that seem to have more fairy lights than bricks. It lights up the sky from far away as well as the faces that come from far and wide to see it.

    All through the Bible we are told about people looking forward to Jesus coming to earth. He referred to himself as ‘the light of the world’, but said that his followers were too.

    How can you be ‘a light’ to someone today?


    Help someone put up their Christmas decorations
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    Go carol singing with friends
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    Reach out to someone who you know will find Christmas tough going
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    A view from the Bible

    "You are like light for the whole world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden..."

    Read more: Matthew 5.14-16

  • Telling the Story...

    At this afternoon's fellowship meeting, people mostly older in years, though some in their 40s and 50s, for the devotions/epilogue bit, I invited them to tell me the Christmas story as it unfolds in the gospels of Luke and Matthew.  It was fascinating to hear the contributions, see the leaps in the narrative and the way that scripture and tradition are eleided in people's minds.

    The kind of theme that emerged was around responses to fear... we noted that that

    • the angel told Mary not to be afraid, suggesting she probably was
    • Joseph's initial reaction suggests fear
    • the shepherds were told to 'fear not', so they obviously were afraid
    • Herod is described as being afraid

    We noted also the responses...

    • Mary was afraid but she said 'yes' anyway
    • Joseph was afraid but he did the 'right thing'
    • The shepherd's were afraid but they went to see if what they'd heard was true
    • Herod was afraid, and allowed that fear to give way to anger, hatred and murder

    Being afraid is normal, natural, everyone experiences it. What matters is what we let that fear do to us... will we give way to anger, hatred, revenge or attack, or will we choose the path that leads to life, hope and a future...

    It was a great afternoon, a blagged reflection, and brilliant engagement/interaction.

  • #Advent Challenge Day 11

    This one makes me chuckle... not least as each day you are invited to share your choice on social media... I'm choosing to be a few hours gadget free... which will mean staying off social media and blogs and stuff...

    Dinner (if not breakfast) is always tech free in my house, and I walk everywhere, with or without others!

    Dear Catriona

    We live in a world where we are surrounded by technology. Whether it’s a phone, tablet, TV or computer, it doesn’t take much for the busy-ness of the world to impact our lives.

    For some, switching off from these devices just doesn’t happen, and while some of it can be good, it’s so easy to fill our minds with unnecessary clutter. In the Bible, we’re reminded to think about what we feed our minds and the impact that can have.

    How will you switch off today?


    Try to have a gadget detox for a few hours today
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    Have a tech-free dinner around the table with family
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    Go for a walk with friends
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